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  • I was able to get away from the house today long enough to go to the post office. There, I mailed a bunch of family photos to one of my stepdaughters.
    Those workers have now been digging in my back yard for two days. The Columbus Day start was postponed by rain.
    Yes, I have watched several VHS movies since I got the new supply of them. And tomorrow morning, Columbus Day, is when the builders are to begin working.
    yeah, it is a bummer since I can't write my fan-fictions or make graphics.
    My week has been great, even though my computer broke! I had a wonderful week.
    Today (Thursday) I had to pay the down payment for the new wall that has to be built on my property.
    I haven't been to that new church yet, because it's taking them longer than I thought to be ready to open. Meanwhile, thank you for posting on my Facebook Wall.
    I had a pretty good week too--I just started classes again, and moved into my dorm. What have you been doing?
    Hey! Sorry I never got back to you! I've been really busy! I am looking for a job and doing a bunch of school work for the GED.

    I'm certain I would LOVE The Circle Trilogy if my sister hadn't read it first and spoiled it for me :p. I may still read it though. I really love The Martyr's Song series. When Heaven Weeps is not only my favorite book of the series, it is also my favorite book ever, besides the Bible. What's your favorite book?

    The sims isn't really a game with levels. You mostly just try to fulfill your sims lifetime goals. My sims keep having kids and so now I am trying to fulfill the lifetime goals of the kids lol. There are 5 of them so this could take a while.

    I hope all is going well for you. The weekend is here! Rejoice :)
    My house is so messy that I would give up hope of getting it clean if I thought about the whole job at one time; so I work on a piece here, and a piece there. One thing I did today was to scrub my kitchen sink, because it was _horribly_ dirty inside.
    I recently stopped my cable TV service to save money. And then, a friend of mine _gave_ me hundreds of movie videos he was getting rid of! So now I have stuff to watch to relax at home, _without_ paying cable fees. This is a small example of God providing for us.
    I'm glad your dog is okay. My daughter's dog is TOO healthy; he wants to play ALL the time!
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