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  • lol! I probably play it a little too much. I have The Sims 3. I currently run a household of 8 sims which is the most a game will let you control at a time.
    My week has gone pretty well. I've been given a ton of geometry homework to practice before I go for my GED :( It's ok though. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Hey! Sims is a game where you can create your own person and help them live their lives. You have to keep them happy and healthy and help them acheive their goals in life. It's a lot more fun than it sounds.
    Umm books. I really like Christian thrillers. My favorite auther is Ted Dekker, and of course I love Narnia :)
    Hey! Thanks for wishing me the best week ever. I hope every day you live is better than the previous one and that you have the best life! My hobbies, well, I love to sing and read, and hang out on Narnia forums. I like to write and play computer games, mostky The Sims. I also love going to church... but that isn't really a hobby.
    It's really cool that you do crafts. It sounds like a lot of fun :D
    God Bless.
    Hey, shortangel! My week is going well. Tomorrow I am going for the General Educational Development (GED) practice test. Getting a GED is the equivalent of graduating high school for those who have not. I have been homeschooled pretty much all my life therefore I can't graduate from a regular high school. So I am going taking the GED practice test and then in October I will take the real test. If I pass, I will graduate in December. Really excited and nervous about that.
    How are you doing? What are your hobbies? I look forward to hearing from you soon!
    God bless!
    Hey! Life is going pretty well. I'm in the process of writing Narnia fan fiction and trying to get my GED. Those are pretty much the highlights of my week. How has your week been? Hope all goes amazingly with your family stuff. :)
    Hey, Shortangel! Nice to meet you! I've seen you around as well. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I was replying to something over on Narniaweb, I wasn't ignoring you. It appears you're offline now but maybe we can chat soon.
    God bless :)
    Not bad for me, thank you for asking. I continue to improve in making my sleep times normal.

    Say, do you remember Amanda (Bruiser) who used to be on here? I still pray for her when I think of her.
    I'm glad your father's back is improving. Today I completed the yard work I was doing for my daughter.
    Aha thankyou, im really jealous that you have a job, i desperately need one :/ hope you have a good week too!
    Ohhhh! I just noticed you had a birthday last week!
    Happy Belated, shortangel :D
    Hope you had a wonderful day...
    I did some work for my daughter and son-in-law over the weekend: cut down a dead tree in their yard.
    Welcome back shortangel! How did the paperwork for the services you were hoping to get turn out?
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