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  • I'm okay....my grandfather has bladder cancer again and I closed my arm in our car trunk yesterday. How about you?
    I'm glad you were able to work. I just got home from being a supper guest at my daughter's house.
    I'm doing fine? I'm glad you're better :). My week went well, except for the fact that a kid jumped on me at work and gave me a minor neck injury :( but it's better now :)
    I've been busy w/school and work. Two weeks ago our whole family had the flu except me :) and my oldest brother. The bad thing, though, was that my parents were both sick and I had to clean up after all the sick people :(
    I'm glad you're improving. They think I need one of the breathing masks for uneasy sleepers; I'll use it if it will be more help than trouble.
    I'm doing fine :) Sorry you were sick :( but glad to hear you're getting better!
    Im kind of upset with my parents and bit sad at this second. Thanks...I was too. Aww still praying for you. Have a spectacular week. :D
    I just got home from an overnight "sleep study" at a clinic, in which electronic instruments measured my heartbeat, breathing and movement as I slept.
    I'm pretty good right now, shortangel. Thank you for asking! :)
    Well, of course I'll pray for you! I hope you feel better. I just recently got over the stomach flu and I know it's not fun. :(
    Im doing a bit better than last night. :) Im sorry to hear about your flu..Im praying for you dear. GET BETTER!
    I know that feeling...mine is coming soon. I'm doing good. My brother's birthday is tomorrow. How bout you?
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