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  • My week's been fairly normal. One thing going on has been that on Facebook there have been several people writing attacks against the Christian faith, so I've been answering them.
    Thank you for that suggestion, but the Wycliffe organization only needs persons who know languages which are NOT common in the world. My specialty is Russian, and that language already has Bibles and Christian books.
    Funny you should ask about the translation work. Right now, I'm close to finishing a job more than 2,500 words long.
    We certainly don't understand all of God's reasons for things which happen to us; but Jesus said that our believing in Him is "doing the work of God."
    At my church we had a good Bible study about coping with fear and worry. And I do pray for your family.
    "Sonnet" means a traditional poem with fourteen lines. I have a whole thread just for sonnets in Writing Club.
    Well the week 's been pretty busy,but the weekends offer lots of writing time.:)
    The weather is seriously getting lethal here;there's so much snow houses are collapsing/getting completely buried,roofs are leaking,and the snow is waist deep some places:eek:
    We've been making do with one car lately and have been shopping around for a reliable used one; but this weekend is extra busy, so we were actually about to rent another car Thurs-Sunday. But God in his perfect timing and mercy helped a friend of ours find a car meeting our wishlist at a price we could afford yesterday, so instead of having to rent a car for the weekend, we were able to buy one just in time. God is soooo amazing!
    * Sigh *

    Now I have a more specific thing to pray about for you. One of the most important things in preventing suicide is simply PAYING ATTENTION to the person who is a suicide risk.
    I just returned home a few minutes ago. Now I have to resume working, and prepare to pay taxes.
    I'm good....has only snowed a tad more here but outside of that we still have snow but it's not bad. Tonight is youth group night so we shall see. How are you?
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