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  • Not doing so good hun, cant hold food down, and coughing/heaving blood right now so its not good. My weeks been so-so, ups and downs, more downs though. No need to thank me hun...no need! ;) Awww thats good, Ill be praying hun.
    Hi Short Angel,
    thanks for the good news... I hope you like this picture though it is early for your birthday still--
    Hello, faithful friend! This evening I'll be having supper with my daughter and her husband.
    Hey, Im doing crummy right now...thats good Im glad. Thanks dear. Aww thats awesome.... :D Happy early birthday!!!! Aww so cute. ;) Have a good week as well.
    What breed is your new puppy? (If he's a mongrel, that's okay; mongrels are usually the smartest dogs.)
    Hey there! Im doing better, but not alot though, but can get out of bed right now. :) Thanks hun, I am too. Mine's been lonely but okay, got to go to a wedding yesterday of my 2 friends.... :D It was lovely.
    Hi Shortangel,
    that was a very welcome praise! May God continue to watch over you and your family and your father's work...
    Hurray for your good news! As for me, I'm working on ways to conserve electricity and lower my utility bills.
    Hey hun! Im doing a little better not much from that bad night. How are you doing? Yes I went to the ER and gotten taken care of. ;) Yes I do now...thanks...you too
    I deliberitatly hurt myself earlier today and now somethings going wrong. Getting bad symptoms from it. Its still bleeding and not slowing down or stopping. Im scared
    Hello there. Nice to 'meet' you too. Weeks not going so good, especially at this moment. Yours? How are you?
    Not much house progress, I'm afraid; I lost a lot of time today due to a computer problem.
    At my church this weekend the sermon was about forgiving people, which of course is one of the subjects you hear ALL the time, but the pastor did a good job.
    I'm okay, thank you. Of all the kinds of tea which really are made from tea leaves, I think my favorite is jasmine tea. I also like various caffeine-free herbal teas.
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