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  • I share your hope of things getting better. When you speak of the stairstepper, does this mean that you have some problem walking?
    I hope all the worst is over for your family. This evening I will attend the Saturday service at my church: the first time I've been there since the Renaissance Festival began.
    I was at a costume party tonight, held at the home of a Renaissance Festival performer. I dressed as Doctor Who!
    No, the liquor was no fun. For awhile I was worried that I wouldn't be able to drive home, but the effect passed.
    Yes, puppet ministry can be very useful with children. As for the Renaissance Festival, it's ended now. After we said goodbye to the last set of customers, we actors went onto the "castle wall" to toast each other. Now, I can handle wine, but I didn't realize that what was being passed around (to those of legal drinking age) was 101-proof liquor. I had to lie down for awhile after drinking my share.
    hello rainyday, how are you doing? i'm good :) no i haven't gone to the fair yet i go on Saturday, our group leaves at 4:15 P.M. PST :) how's school or summer break going? have a good week :)
    Hi Angelm I'm sure you'll have big fun! :D

    I've been swamped. My sister has had a ton of music editing for me to help her for her Salvation Army job, I've been putting off this graphic project I have for DestinyLies for some days now, I've been trying to get this other music edit project done for CaspianGirl, I've been transferring files and backing up all my private messages because my folder was 100% full, on top of all that I've still got three updates of DestinyLies' writing I have to read and give full comments on (not just ordinary "I like it" comments, but full critiques)...

    I've just been so busy!! I'm really in over my head, but you know, it's good to know you'd like to know how my week's been. :) Thx for asking. You have a great time at the fair! :cool:
    Of course I pray for her. I believe that one of the main reasons God allowed me to become a festival performer was so that I would intercede for people there, both customers and staff.
    I experienced a disappointment at the RenFest. A woman merchant there has been acting as if she likes me a lot; it helped things that I had done her family some favors. (This is completely separate from other encounters with women that I have mentioned online.) But on Saturday, I noticed her wearing a pentagram, a pagan symbol. A Christian man can be friends with any number of pagans, but he can't marry one.
    I've had LOTS of good talks with customers at the festival. Conversations of any depth almost always are started BY customers.
    yeahhhh. i got three hugs from three different band members. one signed my shirt that was from his clothing line.
    safasdflksadfjlksaf i loved it so much, im probably going back next year too.
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