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  • can u delete these past visitor messages so everyone wont kno that i fainted and stuff, so they wont bug me about it??
    I follow the gist of your latest kindly message; only, nothing is really OUT of God's hands unless He chooses by His own will to LET it slip out of His direct control. That's what He is doing when He gives us free will; but giving us the power of decision-making does not cancel His power to make a sick body healthy anytime He pleases. Although both of my wives were taken, they themselves were aware of others who WERE healed in this life. God has no limitations except those He decides to accept voluntarily. (Note that saying something like, "Well, can God make two plus two equal five?" would not be exposing any weakness in God, because it would be just a nonsense question.)
    My use of the word "supernatural" did not mean that I thought my blood-pressure problem was a supernatural event. I know that (at the risk of seeming to brag about my moral virtues) my blood-pressure problem is due to the shock of suddenly losing my wife to an unforeseen heart attack, since I loved her so much...combined with all the exhaustion caused by my caring for her while she lived, and then my getting involved with the troubles of other persons I care about after Janalee was taken away to Heaven. All of my stress effects are perfectly explainable in materialistic ways. My reference to the supernatural meant that God can supernaturally heal me anytime He feels like it; but He obviously did not choose to heal either of my two wives who now dwell in His Kingdom, so I can't assume He plans to heal me either.
    Thank you for the friendly message, Simon. If you see less of me on-forum in the near future, it won't be because I'm tired of this or am angry at anyone--rather, because I need to relax more to have any (non-supernatural) hope of recovering from illness. Moderate physical exercise IS a form of relaxation; but I'm finding that my very enthusiasm for my online activities is causing me BODILY stress--because even PLEASANT excitement can raise my blood pressure. I think you'll understand me when I say that this realization casts a cloud over any thoughts of my marrying again, at least while my health is so fragile.
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