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  • Thats true... Bah...

    That's true... And yeh time of the month. Lol. Didun't you get it taught to you in school.


    ! *Feels loved*
    Bleh. I hate it... It's scary...
    Oooh riiight. I get it now :)

    :D Cource not.
    Bleh. It's alright. I get away with everyhting and them nothing...


    *Hugs* instead?
    Hehe. Shame I grew out of them...
    Howard? o.o

    S'all right. We have those kinds of moments. Even innocent little old me lol.
    Espessuly when they are twins that are 6 years younger! >.<

    I think I lost them a while back... But thanks for the offer...

    I only put pfft becuse I didun't know what else to put...
    They were. I loved them.
    All sorts of things... It's a little extream nowerdays...
    Oooh coool. \o/ Parrrty!

    Lol. Typlical boy... I understand.
    lol. Ignoreing my sister is Fun :D. Gotta love her... But only somtimes...

    I don't know... I don't think so unfortunatly.

    Sorry. *Hugs*
    Lols. I can imagin... I used to have some clogs... lol.
    Oooh but isun't that slightly rasist? 0_____0 Ribbit! :D

    Naughty, naughty :p. Yay \o/ :D. But I'm not... Remeber that... No matter what Tori says...

    I used to have an open mind but my brains kept on falling out! :p

    Pffft lol.
    Oooh clever... ~.~. Drunk? lol.

    ROLF. Too true... But I swear I am not a vampire.

    Fair enugh. Or sexist it seems lol.

    Oooh someone else who uses Yuppers! :D
    Erm... o_O

    I think being a vampire would be better then a werewolf... But being eaither can't be too brilliant...

    Lol. :rolleyes: So you do it anyways. *Bows*

    Lol yes.
    ^.^ Lets see how meny we can come up with :p

    Lol. Well my sister thinks I am a vampire... We are arguing about it actually. :rolleyes: Don't be sorry. Melodramticness is cool...

    Lol... Erm I think that's the wrong way round... o_O

    Hehe. We're both opertunial comics. (Sorry for the spelling)
    >.< We just keep on making faces lol. :D

    I know... Well... It's light... I can tell you that :p.....

    Thank you :D *Bows*

    This is true. And a funny saying. I like it ^^

    Wiiiired isun't it? I'm the future to you o.o

    :D I try :rolleyes:

    I know. But I make a loooot...
    Okie dokie arti chokie >.<

    Wow... Thats so wired. It's like... Yesterday... :D
    Thank you. I like your responce lol! You'res was the best I've got when I do something stupid.. And I do it often... :rolleyes:
    Lol. Okie dokie.

    I've been up all night. It's now half 11am and I haven't been to bed yet... Seriousely I'm being an idiot lol.
    Whats the diffrence? :confused:

    Lol. I meant woosh... *Sigh* been awake to long. I think it's getting to me...
    Lol. Naw you seem alright at it. I got it lol. :D You are helpfull. Speasul in a way?

    Everything is a wish a lot.
    Is that sarcasm I detect? You should be.

    Yay!!! Only some I remember. Like Gabby and Mya and Tess. Some just woosh...
    Aww at least you remeber me! :D

    Tis alright so am I :D. Notice how I haven't said yours at all :p
    :eek: Only on occatsion? :p

    Wow we really haven't spoken in ages you canny remember my name :p. *Cough*Sami*Cough*
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