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  • Obviously you will. Just realize that other people are likely to fall into the same confusion I did concerning your wording.
    It's fine to make up new expressions; I've done so myself. You just have a unique problem because your new expression is SO CLOSE in sound to an old one, people will THINK that you just made a mistake. If I were in your place, I wold make it "guilt-marked" or "guilt-colored" or "guilt-shadowed," carrying the same idea without SOUNDING LIKE "ridden."
    I have never seen anyone anywhere saying "guilt-written" before. I understand your intent now, but it still may seem to others like a mere mistake with the more familiar expression. But if you were to say "Guilt was WRITTEN ON her face," every reader would then recognize your meaning.
    In your new installment, "with a guilt-written look" should say "guilt-RIDDEN." The origin of the expression is the idea of your guilt RIDING ON YOUR BACK, as a burden you carry.
    He may end up becoming very similar to the sort of human reptile that I know I could have become if I had never received the love of Jesus Christ into my heart.
    The head of a school is a princi-PAL. A princi-PLE is an idea or a rule.

    As I understand it, Henry is a physically small boy. I was all too familiar, in my teenage years, with the humiliations of being small. Even if you don't get bullied, you DO get treated as less valuable than tall people. Where is Henry going? If something doesn't happen to prevent it, I see him becoming a VERY bitter man, trying to get revenge on the unfair world.
    It's no crime for you to write a teenybopper story when most of your audience is teenyboppers. As for where my wife and I were, we spent Christmas with relatives of mine in Illinois.
    I've been ok I guess just getting ready to cosplay in Nov so end this month I'm going to my friend's house to make my outfit
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