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  • Haha yup! Wow most people I tell that are either like *GLARE* or "LUCKY!" haha. Its pretty cool, but sometimes I wish I was pub schooled
    Haha, yah it has been a while! Good to hear! I'm doing fairly good. Don't won't to get back to school tomorrow :/ haha.

    Same here! What did you get?
    no no no haha XD I only have two teachers! there's theres six not counting hte PK teachers lol XD
    It is nice working around so many books, but I really am not happy there anymore; I don't have a very good relationship with my boss. :(
    Yes! God is sooooooo amazing and He does everything in HIs timing which is perfect!
    I work at a Christian bookstore. I'm the only employee--which tells you just how small it really is--and I do about anything you can think of. Oh! By the way, I'm sooooooo HAPPY! A friend of mine just accepted Christ as her Savior! Praise God!
    Ya... I go to a perocial(sp?) school aswell, not the same religion as I am, but close. Better than not being there at all I think.
    Well, I didn't have to visit the doctor after all (thank you God!) Yeah, where I live, we have three poisoness snakes: Copperheads (my cousin was bitten by one a month and a half ago, but she is fine now), rattlesnakes, and cotton mouths aka water moccasins and two poisoness spiders: Black widow and brown recluse. (I hate spiders). Anyways, wow sounds like you really are multi-tasking! I'm listening to music right now and getting ready to go to work in about an hour. :)
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