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  • Awesome! I probably get to keep Koda when I go off on my own, seeing as how he's adopted me as his care-taker. :p
    Are you planning on moving? Or was that just a hypathetcial future move?
    He is. ^_^ He's 3 years I think. Still pretty young, which works for me. :p

    David Eddings. They are really good, you'd probably like them.
    He's an albino. XD White from head to tail except for his pink nose and lilly-pad green eyes. :D He's kinda fat, but he's an indoor cat. He can't go outside because his last family declawed him, but I don't think he minds so much. lol
    Its about this boy who's lived his entire life on a farm, and now he's being dragged around with who he thought was his Aunt and an old man who are actually sorcerers and very distantly related to him, and he has some big role to play in retrieving something that was stolen and fulfilling some prophecy that nobody will tell him anything about. It's really good. I love it.

    *le-gasp*:eek: *runs to go read* :D
    hehehe Yay!!! :D

    I know!!! OMG :eek: :p
    Well, there's actually not much going on. Going back to school tomorrow XP Then I have exams and stuff. I've been reading a lot lately! This really good series call the Belgariad. It's awesome. You should read it! lol And....did I tell you that I got a cat? His name is Koda and he's cute and soft and cuddly, and kinda big. But I love him ^_^
    What about you? DETAILS WOMAN! XD
    I think I will send it. I need to get it off my chest. Do you mind? It's too big for a PM though... :eek:
    It's not uncomfortable. It's being hurt. I know you whoulden't but it has happend so often... Thanks. Same for you.
    Lol, well I want to stp it now. I hate argueing. I want to tell you but I am scared to be honest.
    I am sure I would...
    I doubt it.
    I always do. I worry about everyone else more then myself becuse they are more important. Esspessuly you and one other :)
    Yeh I do. Thank you. It's just so much. It would bore you. And you have your own problems which I want to help you with so I don't want to add myn.
    Oh right. I wasen't sure you had seen it... I dunno. It's soo meany things. It is pages and pages. I know I have written it all out in word lol. You know, somewhere to put it... Some of it is just so little and so ridicules sometimes... I dunno...
    I love reading things from both perspectives. It bring me into the story more.

    ? With what?
    Stupid internets I hate it when that happens lol. But I hope it sorts itself out lol.

    I read the chapter :D Tis amazing! They just have to get together! :D
    oh, it's alright. :)

    idk. just weird. plus, my ear and throat started hurting not long after I wrote that. :eek:

    it feels better now, though. thank heavens.
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