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  • i am so totally not used to the new boards stuff yet. including friend request things and posting messages. TDL is turning into myspace! :eek: lol ;)

    thanks for your comment! i need to go and make the rounds on everyone's page. :p

    Yes! FINALLY its the weekend!!


    The concert was totally RAINED OUT. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. RAINED. OUT.


    They played exactly four songs, then a lady came out and made them leave, and told us to leave and take shelter. It was so sad!!

    And they didnt play The Great Escape...I suspect that was to be thier closer. :( They played Hero/Heroine, Five Minutes to Midnight, Thunder, and Dance Hall Drug. *sigh*

    MARTIN WAS ADORABLE. OH MY GOSH. And Paul know. ;)

    This was a long post lol...but my IM isn't working and I Just wanted to let you know the deets. *sigh*
    Oh My! I haven't sent you a message! :eek:

    At least you got off work early, right? did work your full hours!
    Hey, I totally saw a girl that looked so similar to you when I went out for ice cream with my family earlier tonight. It was quite strange. :)
    Ooooh. I am very inhreagued now. I wannna knoooow! Like you with Dr Who lol. I will just have to be patsiont. But I hope you can make it :)
    Ash this is so weird but Paul showed me how to do this *sigh* this is kind of cool and I love your new name what does it mean???
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