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  • I've also been under some stress lately, so I know how you feel. One of my really good friends, isn't making very wise choices right now . . . it's got really bad! She's making a name for herself, it's so bad that I don't want to be seen out in public with her :( But I know that she needs me more than ever . . . so I'm going stick it out with her. If it's not too much to ask, please remember my friend in your prayers.

    About your avvy. Because it's small I couldn't tell about his shirt and it kinda looks like something he might have worn in A Knight's Tale or The Patriot. But I don't know. ;)
    I'm pretty good. Not much is happening in my world right now. I don't start school until Monday, so I've been bored outta my mind :p.
    I hate it that you've been in a down mood, you've been in my prayers. I hope you're feeling better now! How is your job going?

    P.S. Your avvy of Heath, what movie was that in? ;)
    I'm feeling kinda sick, so I'm gonna head to bed early.

    But I was just at the grocery store, and they were playing "Anything for Love" by Meatloaf. I thought you would enjoy it in all it's melodramatic, cheesy, Meatloaf-ish glory. Haha!
    My first day was...first day-ie. Lol.

    (sorry i got off of facebook) guess what?! I wrote to conan o'brien last year and he sent me a signed photo that i recently got. Its awesome! :D
    Yeah, I made the call and was as nice as I could be.

    I am watcing America's Next Top Model and it is so awesomely bad.
    And I love that your new managers are so nice! It must be an amazing change from Target!
    Nope, it's my day off.

    I told a guy at work, not THAT guy, I would go out today. But now I am not so sure I want to. His friend is kind of a jerk and it has me looking at him funny.
    The de-cluttering is a work in progress. It's getting there though. There's tons to do yet. I'm excited! I can sort of see the light at the end of the tunnel!

    I'm glad things are getting better for you Ash! You know if you need to gab where to reach me. You're a blessing and a treasure to me, but even moreso to God. You're all that and a bag of chocolate chips my friend! Rest in Him always!
    I'm doing well today. The work day is about over and I can shut things down and go home. How are you doing? I'm sending hugs your way!
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