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  • Don't you? His voice is just so...idk...smooth, I guess. :rolleyes: I love his voice. :D

    Lovely British accent...and don't you love it when he runs his fingers through his hair? ♥ :p
    Hopefully. I just feel mean.

    Awesome. I was gonna call verizon. My phone is dying and my mom had to upgrade her BlackBerry for work so she might let me borrow the old one till I buy a new phone and set up my number with it.
    No, but I guess I didn't get several messages last night. It was full and I emptied it but then it wouldn't show me what came after that.

    Yeah. He's got it. I was shocked he asked and thought it would make the awkward situation go away *headdesk*
    Huh, no, I didn't call. For some reason, I thought it might be odd to call rather than text. Dunno why. LOL!

    No, there is this guy who has been calling and works like two stores over and I have to call him and gently break it to him I don't want to date before he comes to my store and it gets more awkward.

    Oooh, lalala.

    Yeah. Cera asked me to change it, so I am looking for another Skandy avvy. LOL! Don't want any PaperBnites to think they are beating me into getting rid of the Skandar avatars :p
    Avoiding *dun dun dun* the phone call.

    What about you? Find any polo shirts? My phone is being mean and saying it couldn't send you a text. I think it is dying.
    Oh, hey - have you read Mere Christianity? I am not too far into it, but it is brilliant so far.
    *tackle hugs Ash*
    *the pretty Ash in the profile pic*
    *Not scary Voldy avatar*
    I'm hanging in there as well. Have you ever read, "Practicing the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence? If not, get a copy and go through it. It's pretty easy, not too long, and very helpful. It might be something that can help you with all you've been dealing with. God is there. He is with you. I know He is. Remember that you're loved and cared about Ash!
    and i heart you!!! lov you muchly, ash!
    LOL, you changed your screenname! I hope that things are going well on your end. I'm sending hugs your way Ash. You're a treasure! I'm haning in there. Work has kept me hopping, but there it is.
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