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  • I'm doing good. School starts back up on monday (blah :p) but other than that nothing big's going on.

    How about you? Things going well? :D
    Welcome back! Please look in Other Fantasy Worlds when you come on again, because the Renaissance Festivals thread there will tell you how I spent my summer. Also please visit my Sonnets thread, because I've written some recently.
    Yeah, summer school's horrible though. All my friends are in the other class. :(
    I'll try not to. ;)

    I try to come on at least once a day, usually only for a few minutes. I check to see if anyone's on, answer PM's, post in a few threads and then leave. I don't know when my friends come on and they never seem to be on when I'm on. :( You?
    That sounds fun.

    I'm not entirely dad and stepmom's been hinting at going to a friend's house and blowing stuff up (rofl) and probably having a cookout as well. :)
    I go back to school in September. But I'm starting summer school tomorrow and it's only for a month so I'll be done by the end of July.

    Ya, maybe. Hope so. ;)
    I miss talking to you too. :( I just get so busy sometimes that I can't get on for a while. But hopefully I can get on more the rest of the summer and next year.
    If you don't get tired of me by then that is. haha :D
    Yes!!! Off to HOgwartz! *looks in closet for a broom* o.o You know, the closest thing I have is a you think that'll work? hehe
    Sounds good to me!! XD Now let's get somebody in here to do it....I don't suppose you know any sorcerers or something would you? :p
    OH? What about light bulbs? And running water. That's the one thing that prevents me from wishing time would reverse to the middle ages or running water. *shivvers* I think I would die if I couldn't shower daily and my toilet didn't flush.
    Maybe not literally die....but honestly, how difficult would it be if even half of the technology we had right now just disappeared? It would take a lot of getting used to at the very least. But things would be better once we got used to it.
    Yes!! I totally agree. Now if only Microsoft and Apple would come to there senses. :p

    OH well, you can't take the binky away from the baby. People are too used to it now....we'd die without this stuff.
    I know. :( But then again things are so easy nowadays it's almost impossible not to be. That's why I don't really like technology...things are easier but not necessarily better.
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