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  • Thou dost have a title! Check the Title part of the Olden Club to see it. :) If you want me to change it...I can. ;)
    I am honored! Though as to how noble I am...that is questionable. But you are kind. :) I shall bestow title this evening Lord willing! :)
    Welll...I am getting up at 4am tomorrow to watch it. I think I am the only one in the family who is! ;) And I think I am the only one I know who is!
    Do you like medieval things?
    I have collected molst of the action figures for Narnia...I just don't have Susan and Reep. Those are sooo hard to get! It was fun shopping for them...I would go to the toy isle and get all excited lol! Haven't done that in years!
    My fav. Lewis book is the Screwtape Letters.
    Don't you love it when the play around and don't just get to it?! ;)
    That sounds like a great book! Have you ever read The Pilgrim's Regress?
    I don't have any bobbleheads...I know some collect them.
    Thank you! I have always loved that picture. :)
    And that is soooo exciting about your cousins baby! Babies are just so amazing and special. :)
    I always love getting new books! Which Lewis one did you get?
    I am sure you will find a special place to the Bobblehead lol!
    Hmmm...well, I can sing where everyone can hear me in the group I sing with. ;) Don't know if you saw the thread, but my mom just lost a baby and so that has been consuming this week.
    Today is my little brothers birthday... :)
    Our family just started a study on Knowing Jesus. :) Excited about that!
    How about with you?
    Thanks for sharing your story. :) I enjoyed reading it...mine is rather long...let me think...
    I was saved when I was seven sitting on my dad's lap with my mom right next to us. Simple enough right?...

    Well, a few years ago I starting having some hard questions. I would lay in bed at night terrified of going to Hell. I wrestled for months.

    I finally went to my dad and he gave me books to read. It did not take too long after that and I was watching a Christian show on TV...they were asking questions about God, salvation etc...I was answering them before they had finished asking. ...It may sound too simple, but that was when I realized I knew what I believed and I really believed it!

    Sooo...that was a very long story cut very short!
    OK! Thanks. :) I'll read it this evening. But...from now on we can't PM as my dad doesn't like me doing it too much. :) Hope you understand.
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