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  • Toj! How are you!?!? I came back and then I saw old posts and new posts and was nostalgic and...hi! :D Good to see you still around. And somebody duct taped me to a train while I was away... :mad: I guess I'd better go defend myself! :D
    I checked it out today ToJ and the more I read it over and over again the more I'm convinced this guy is absolutely trash. It might still hurt (lemme guess, mainly because of the way HOW it went) but you are soooooo better of without him!
    sis is that you? - hugs- OMG I miss you a whole lot I've been all right just busy with school and looking for a new job. What about you?
    Eh, we're not as much friends anymore, it was a long time ago. We know each other, we bear no ill will towards each other, but a lot of time passed since we were together.
    It'll be ok in the end, really. Life has it's ups and downs, but it levels out.
    Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I had to go to class. I was worried because I forgot a test that was scheduled outside of class time (I'm aiming for 4.0, so that news nearly ruined my whole week :p), luckily the teacher drops the lowest test grade, so all I have to do is make a 100 on the rest of the tests :p Then she told me that I needed to turn my homework in by 10 AM today, and so I'm sprinting into school at 9:55 AM. Point is, everything is alright now :p
    Well, it'll be alright. But I understand you're confusion about what it all was, I went through a long virtual relationship too, and when it ended, I was very upset, but the worst feeling was the wondering what did I even have. My opinion, believe it was something, and you'll eventually be happy again :) Sorry, haha, I don't know if I'm helping much.
    For me, the only thing that really gives me peace in the middle of life's hardships is my relationship with Christ. Founded on Him, I know I am plugged into the greatest love, into Love itself. It's something to consider. Blessings, little one.
    Lots of stuff, worrying about school right now. College is fairly harsh. Did we ever talk substantially? I feel like some where in my mind that we did, haha, sorry.
    And I read your prayer, you alright?
    Well that is a sad anniversary, but I think you should try to forget it. He's history now, and for whatever it's worth, he probably helped you learn some valuable lessons, like ... don't try to be a virtual girlfriend. Guys are way too easily led to be counted on to stay faithful to someone they can't see and touch. And what is the point of being virtual gf/bf? You can't go out, and clearly you aren't ready to get married, so there's nothing there except a friendship -- and a friendship doesnt have to "break up." I'd say learn a lesson and then let it go ... if you can. Good luck!
    Hi sweetheart, I am good. I was just writing you a message in CopperFox's sonnets thread. I hope you're already feeling better and more light-hearted. You're in my prayers, and I know there are much better things in store for you than silly boys who can't see your worth. You're exceptional, little darling.
    Hello sweetheart they CHEATED on you! This girl knew you and him were together and he knew he had a girlfriend too. But what comes around goes around and he will pay the price one day. He treated you like dirt. But you know what? I still think you were way too smart for his taste. And you are. You deserve so much better. I know people must have said this to you very often but it is true. You are way too valuable and good for dirt like him.
    he is just continuing what he is used to do. I think it is his loss but one day he will realize. But then it is too late. Because I am NOT going to let you suffer honey! Timezones or not I will be there for you!
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