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  • Well, you've heard about my ability to bear with not getting what I want. So, do you recommend that I go ahead and read "Twilight," which (God knows!) IS available?
    I understood about it no longer being published; but that doesn't quite make it impossible that a surviving copy might be sort of adrift somewhere. And you know that I've been known to desire impossible things.
    He sings as well. I've never heard him though.

    Really? It's a Canadian war movie. It came out last month.
    Ohh, that's right! Yeah, I know he's Canadian. I know like everything about him. :p Have you watched the movie?
    OHHHHHH...Okay,I got it....sorry my brains kinda out of things today.:rolleyes:
    Thanks for explaining.:p
    LOL..My ancient computer won't let me see pms.*glares at it* So I have them blocked.
    Can you write it in a visitor message?:p
    Only very occasionally do I eat at my computer desk, and then I am very careful not to let stuff get into my keyboard.

    I have seen THREE movie versions of "The Count of Monte Cristo," including the most recent with Jim Caviezel. Each film was quite different from the others.

    Am I to understand that, if I read only one Meyers book, you would rather have me read "Midnight Sun"?
    rofl, this made me laugh. ^_^

    I used Gaspard 'cause I needed a guy for the cover, but I'll be honest with you. I've never read Twilight. *runs from screaming fangirl madness* I know!! But I really don't know what to make of it. I've heard it's written awesomely, but the whole vampire thing throws me for a loop. Do vampires=fantasy or do vampires=Satan? I'm staying away for now until I make up my mind. :) lol, I think Twilight will be an awesome movie, but... I dunno about the whole sex thing. :o so cha! I think the Edward they picked is fabulous, but as for Bella... 0_0 I dunno!!!! I think that Emily Browning might have been better, but I'm not positive. lol... so there's my epifany! :p
    I was eating supper at the time you wrote your latest profile message to me; but by all means, when you're on again (or by e-mail), tell me about the movie.

    And tell me this, too: will it cheer you up any if I go look for a copy of "Twilight" NOW?
    Yes, if you can find the story you have in mind, I'll be pleased to read it and try to identify the "answers."

    My memorizing T-T-H was for an informal talent show.
    Long, long ago, I _memorized_ "The Telltale Heart" as a dramatic recitation. I still remember the finale: "Villains!" I cried. "Dissemble no longer! I admit the deed! Tear up the planks--here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart!"

    Did you know that Mr. Poe even wrote one SCI-FI story? It's one of his least-known stories, but a witty one, titled "Mellonta Tauta;" that's Latin, meaning approximately "The Future Is The Same."
    The stranger being one of the infected humans is perfectly possible, too; it's just that I do NOT see any way Poe would have meant that the Prince ONLY imagined him, or that the Prince killed himself.

    And you're welcome.......You know.
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