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  • For once in my life I want to be brave, Not that nervous freshman..But why are the battles we fear the most always the ones that we feel teh need to go alone at?
    See, I think that that's one think I have to go at alone....But I don't know if I will survive it all
    After that I started fearing myself, and to this very day I still do. You have no idea how hard it is to walk the halls and know something like that....
    I know, but I don't want you all to have to help me with my battles. I'm afriad of what I might become.....especially after...ya know....
    -laughes- You're lucky you can be happy then.
    I've been soo busy battling my anger and trying to supress the other emotions when I'm with you guys, but recently those other emotions have been soo hard to ignore, I don't know how much longer I can ignore them when I with you all.
    The anger on the other hand is getting better in some ways. The first realy burst of anger I've had with you guys was at the new year eve party and I was able to calm down quickly.
    -hands you purple monkey-
    You're supposed to be the Happy person in the group, let Liz and I handle the bad emotions.
    Yes I know. The question is "what boat do you think Acela should be on?" I did not want to tell you what boat. I was hoping you'll pick one yourself. Of course Flame will go in whatever boat Acela chooses to go.
    It really doesn't matter because there may be dangers to both groups. Besides, if more people are needed in one or another ship, they can always transfer as the need arises.
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