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  1. Sforzando77

    Welcome (back) to the Dancing Lawn!

    Aw, I just stopped by on a whim this morning and was so surprised! The site looks amazing and very nicely updated. TDL holds a special place in my heart and I'm glad it's still here.
  2. Sforzando77

    Distance between siblings

    *just a note, I'm not positive this is the correct place to start this, but I figured the general topic forum would be best. Mods feel free to move it if need be* This is kind of a hard thing for me to write about, but it's been troubling me for some time. I used to be so close to my younger...
  3. Sforzando77

    Voice of the Animals - Sforzando77's Short Story that Got Out of Control

    So I've finally decided to share my story on here. I started it the summer between 7th and 8th grade (about 7 years ago) as a short story, just to pass some time. It is now 49 pages long, and I have worked on and off on it since then. I stopped about my senior year of high school, and haven't...
  4. Sforzando77

    Lifehouse "Everything" Skit

    Hey all, I just wanted to share this with you. Some of you have probably seen it; It's a skit performed to the song Everything by Lifehouse. At the church camp I was at last week some of the kids performed it during worship one night. I have to say, it gave me chills (nearly put me in tears...
  5. Sforzando77

    Album Artwork Contest

    An idea I had for a contest. Basically take a CD you love (or a playlist/mix CD that you've made) and make the album artwork for it. You can do Front and Back or Front only, if you want (or back only, if you really feel like that... :rolleyes:). So yeah, I think that's all. Since the polls...
  6. Sforzando77

    Least Favorite movie

    My least favorite movie would probably be Apocolypse Now. I'm sure it was partly because I was forced to watch it during English class in order to compare it to Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (one of my least favorite books), but it was also really violent, lots of swearing... It was a war...
  7. Sforzando77

    My Banner Art

    I've seen multiple people doing threads like this, so I thought I too would share my graphics. I haven't been doing this for too long, so really I would like some critiques, but I will also take requests if you'd like me to make you something ;) So here goes, I guess: Edited on March 9, 2009...