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  1. P

    Concerns about Netflix's Narnia

    But it was still influenced by Persian/Indian cultures (which are real life cultures) and, sadly, by stereotypes of said cultures.
  2. P

    Concerns about Netflix's Narnia

    My concern is how they're gonna handle the issue of the Colormens, cuz, let's face it, it's not exactly the most respectful depiction of a non-Christian culture.
  3. P

    Do you think Susan ever made it to Aslan's Country?

    Okay, I want a straightforward answer. None of this "well, she might have but..." I want 'yes', 'no' or 'undecided'. I personally believe she did make it.
  4. P

    Redeemed Dwarf?

    Near the end, when the creatures are going into Aslan's Country through the Stable Door, there's a dwarf that helped shoot the Talking Horses that goes in. I wonder how he managed to get in. My speculation is that after killing the Horses, his guilty conscience caused him to realize what he was...
  5. P

    Animal voices

    Who would you want to do the voices for the animals in the other films, should they be made? Here's my list. HHB: Ralph Fiennes-Bree Marsha Thomason-Hwin LB: Geoffry Rush-Shift Mackenzie Crook-Puzzle Robin Williams-Ginger I don't know about the other animals like Fledge, Jewel, Trufflehunter...
  6. P

    Modern day

    I heard that Andrew Adamson, the director, heard plans to update the story to present day Los Angeles after an earthquake rather than 1940s London during the war. He said "No! Absolutely not! We have to stay true to the book." A wise decision on Andrew's part. Fans would've been up in arms if...
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    I read a book called Narnia for Dummies and it decribes Bree's faults. I thought that doesn't sound like Bree. I heard the Focus on the Family Radio Theater production of the horse and his boy and I've read the book The Horse and his Boy, and Bree didn't sound like what the Narnia for Dummies...
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    Poor Puzzle

    It must have been quite a shock when Shift betrayed him, I bet Puzzle must have been really really hurt. :(
  9. P

    Talking Horses

    There's one thing about the Last Battle that really emphasizes the despair for Tirian and co. It's when the dwarfs kill the talking horses when the horses come to join in the fray. I wanted to kill those little monsters!! :mad: Lewis couldn't have picked a more perfect spot to pull the rug out...
  10. P

    I think I know what Susan's problem is

    I think that her problem is that she was angry and hurt at not getting to go back to Narnia in Prince Caspian. I think she's trying to swallow her hurt by pretending Narnia didn't exist.
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    BBC specials

    I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't impressed with the old BBC stuff. I guess the thing that got me most was that the animals were just guys walking around in suits and it just wasn't amusing.
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    When I first read it I found King Tirian unlikable. He was going to kill Puzzle, without listening to Puzzle's side of the story. Tirian has this sort of smite first ask questions later kind of attitude.
  13. P

    my drawings

    I've drawn two scenes from the last battle. One where Jill is introducing Puzzle, and one where she saves Puzzle when Tirian wants to execute him.