Concerns about Netflix's Narnia

I believe that copyright protections ARE NOT uniform world-wide.
I believe you're right. What this could mean is that in one country they could do what they will with the property, but what they do could not be sold to or distributed in any countries that still have a copyright of that material.
Princess Frances, some of the earlier books themselves (based on their publication date) are public domain. However, the Burroughs company maintains a trademark on Tarzan himself. This means you cannot put Tarzan in a new story unrelated to the original books, but it would be interesting to see the court case involved in making a movie based on one of the public domain books. Which matters more, the public domain of the books or the ownership of the character? And how closely would a movie studio need to keep to the story to prevent that line from being crossed?

George Orwell stuff is PD here in Australia as he died before 31/12/54 but thanks to Sonny Bono (had to hurriedly correct a "Yoko Ono" there) and Mickey Mouse, Orwell's 1984, for example, is copyrighted in the USA until the end of 2045.

And, since the USA is where Hollywood, Netflix etc is...
Considering how Christianity itself has been routinely mocked since at least as far back as Voltaire, I don't see why other cultures should be immune to criticism. Especially IMAGINARY cultures which are not point-for-point copies of a real-world society.
But it was still influenced by Persian/Indian cultures (which are real life cultures) and, sadly, by stereotypes of said cultures.
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I despise those who treat islam as "progressive" and "peaceful". The culture in Muslim countries (excluding Albania) is actually very toxic.

They are also only able to claim Islam as a "religion of peace" by downplaying or ignoring the numerous sacred texts of Islam that support violence.
Without Judaism, neither Christianity nor Islam would even exist, so i don't have much time for claims i see in the press and online that we need special legal protections for Islam but none for Jews being denigrated. Or, indeed for the Christians that are being denigrated in the Islamic world - like the Copts in Egypt.
I have many concerns about this series. The fact that I have heard rumors about making a series about the period when the Pevensies are ruling. I am worried that this leaves a lot of room to change fundamental characters and themes.
I find it hard to believe that Mister Lewis, if he thought about it, would have wanted us to assume that the Telmarines took over Narnia one week after the Pevensies returned to Digory's house on Earth. If he had chosen to write a story about the Narnian world immediately post-Pevensies, he might have depicted Narnians inviting Corin Thunder Fist to come north and rule them.
I find it hard to believe that Mister Lewis, if he thought about it, would have wanted us to assume that the Telmarines took over Narnia one week after the Pevensies returned to Digory's house on Earth. If he had chosen to write a story about the Narnian world immediately post-Pevensies, he might have depicted Narnians inviting Corin Thunder Fist to come north and rule them.
I agree. Or maybe that the Lord Peridan or one of the other Sons of Adam who were high in the court ruled in the Pevensies' stead. I feel like it would have been years before confusion that Lewis described could have taken hold. I also do not believe that the Pevensies would have been hunting the White Stag if there were even rumors that troops were amassing on the Narnian borders. The fact that the Pevensies did not seem to know of the existence of Telmar would have made it hard for them to come and conquer the land so soon. The loss of the Pevensies would not have lost the whole army.
I am concerned that if too much time and/or funds are used in depicting the period between the start of the Pevensie rule and the start of Prince Caspian, they will run out of time/funds to produce the remaining stories.