1000 signs your addicted to narniafans (Please Do Not Delete)

967. You manage to post over 1000 posts in less than 4 months. :eek:

966. You start imagining of things you're gonna post during boring school lessons.

965. You continue laughing at jokes from the site while all your friends are staring at you worriedly.
964. You get up extra early so you can get on before the rest of your family so you can have all the time you want.

waterhogboy said:
966. You start imagining of things you're gonna post during boring school lessons.
I do that, and the teacher always gets mad at me for not paying attention :eek:
963. When someone else takes the computer from you, you sit in the other chair, waiting for them to get off so you can continue to post

962. You wonder what happened to Dead Rain...

961. You expect Lunis to post that she has come back to the forum after a long absence every other month. (I have read the old threads. I have no life :eek: )
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959. You send birthday cards to your NarniaFans Friends.

958. You KNOW your NarniaFans friend's birthdays, but you can't remember your little sister's.

957. When you get together with your NarniaFans friends in real life, you address them by their sig.

956. You remember back to before BlackCloak had a crush on SLY.

955. You remember back before she had a crush on Brad Pitt too.

- Lu
954. It's ten thirty on a Friday night, and you're sitting at the computer screen, typing a reply on Narniafans.com ...

953. You've only been a member for two months, but already you have more combined posts than Capstick ... :)

952. You were there for the FIRST debate between predestination and free will ....
951. You NEVER wondered what happend to Dead Rain, because she told you last week she was goin on vacation...you sit sadly at your computer and wait patienetly for her to come back...

950. You suddenly notice that almost all the people on your IM buddy list are from Narniafans...

949: You remember how excited everyone was when the 300th member joined...you still know that member's name....(Diva) ;)
Say, how many members are we up to now?




whoa, dude!!! 745?!?!?!?! When did that happen?!?!?!?!

948. You *get* all the somewhat inside jokes in this thread...
(999) 947. You *wrote* some of the inside jokes in this thread...

946. You write stories about the members from Narniafans...

(999) 945. You wonder if it's bad when you've done everything in the thread at least twice...
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Aragorn51088 said:
960. You post in this thread, because you know the symptoms of BAtNF.C(Being Addicted to NarniaFans.Com).

LOL, but I think there are more than 1000, anyway. BACK ON TOPIC!! :D
944. When waiting for someone to log on, you read the Archive threads to pass the time

943. You shake your head in disbelief at all the stupid things BC has said in the Archive threads.

942. When you read even more of the Archive threads, you realize everyone in this forum has lost "it" so many times, and they will probably never find it...
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941. Everytime you remember Rosys description of the game, "Poundarse", you burst into laughter, and your friends look at you like you are insane.

940. You stop to yourself and think, how the heck did BC get all those posts???

939. You remember when Capstick was given the name Chappy.
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Bitter Milton said:
939. You remember when Capstick was given the name Chappy.

Well, actually he got the name a long time ago... way before he was a member of Narniafans (and yes, I remember when he got it for the first time...)

(999) 938. You remember when BC was just a little crazy...
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Tarkheena_Finduilas22 said:
Actually, I post an average of 11 times a day. :D
LOL! You are addicted!

936. Worried that someone may be posting more than you, you obsessively check your average posts per day information. :p
Smog said:
938. You remember when BC was just a little crazy...
as opposed to now, when she's completely crazy?
935. You hear/see "BC" and you think "Black Cloak" (and you know what these other acronyms stand for: WHB, and GC)