1000 signs your addicted to narniafans (Please Do Not Delete)

inkspot said:
936. Worried that someone may be posting more than you, you obsessively check your average posts per day information. :p

That is what I do all the time. I used to have 10 posts a day, until I didn't go on for 2 weeks. I'm now trying to rebuild my stats. I think the mods really hate me for that.

935. You remember when people would regularly post in the RPG

934. Your bordom is measured by how slow the posts are coming

933. You post summaries of thread, just because your bored

932. You continually look at the currently active members, hoping that one of them is replying to a thread.
(999) 931. You fall into manic-depressive fits when nobody's posting...

(999) 930. You create two profiles and start having conversations with yourself on the forums until somebody else logs in...

(999) 929. When that person does log in, you PM him/her until they start posting...
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928. You start finding posts you dont remember putting up, and suddenly realise how you managed to post so much!!!

927. You break down in floods of tears when a faulty internet connection makes your computer crash, so that when you come back, you cant tell which threads are new and which youve already read!!! Its more than a young lad can bear!
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I'm so loving this thread!!

* You know you've been here an age when you remember the old skin, and the shock at the new one
* before you realised you could look at the user CP for which threads you were in you were surrounded by post-it-notes with all the titles on
* You rememebr the first time someone asked 'are Disney doing the film?'
923. You panic when someone changes their avatar, because it is now harder to find their posts
922. When you've been posting for long time and nobody is replying, you become a stalker of anyone who is on at the moment, looking at what they are viewing at the until they post.
heheh, I do that all the time....

921. you put people on your AIM buddylist for the sole purpose of being able to IM them and say 'Hey, have you checked this out yet?' on the sight.
holyboy666 said:
935. You remember when people would regularly post in the RPG

920. You remember when the original RPG started.
919. You've read the poem Dragon wrote about my Avvie & screenname(SN)--Dragon, I believe I've mentioned it, but I've saved it on my comp, and have plans for making it into a wallpaper(someday, when I have a little thing called "time.").

Rosy, those are so true!!!
OK since 917 was bad, I'm gonna redo that one.

Suprisingly enough, no one's made and acronym for moi!

Are we ever going to get to "1"?

917:This is the only thing you do when you're on the computer. You do nothing else.

918:You've posted in this thread over 10 times already

I come up with the boring ones don't I?
916. You take sly looks at the members list to see how far up the rankings in No. of posts you are.

915. You start selling out your school and church friends to post on the site

914. You have to lie to your mum that this site is really a research site for RE because shes found you on it way too many times!
913. Your parents have found out its not a research site, and tell you to get off the computer and watch some TV.
holyboy666 said:
913. Your parents have found out its not a research site, and tell you to get off the computer and watch some TV.

912. You try to read NEW POSTS and watch TV at the same time and end up posting replies that make no sense then having to edit them immediately.
Sojourner said:
911. You post replys to inky that make no sense and realize you thought you were watching tv.
908. You mess up the order of the 1000 reasons because you are too busy to scroll down to the topic review for the right number because your show is coming back on TV!
909. You sometimes wonder what people on the site look like in realife and wonder if theyd be a suitable girlfriend (or boyfriend if you swing that way!)

908. When you look down one of the subforums, your the last poster in the top ten threads...
How silly. Its obvious that anyone outside the building are the crazy ones. Why would I be crazy - I'm the one that saved the world from the penguins. You should be THANKING me not locking me away!!!