-547. You sometimes wonder if you, like the old members, will find your life. But you quickly dismiss these thoughts as traitourous, and if you decide that if you weren't you you'd execute yourself as a traitor. However, you can't because then there'd be nobody to do the other executions. And you'd miss NF.com.
-548. You randomly read The Article on Duffering, just because, even though you've read it a million times already.
-549. You occasionally call your friends in the real world by their forum names. In fact, you're more comfortable calling them by that.
-550. You went on an archialogical (I spelled that way wrong) dig to find this thread, and felt as though you'd hit jack-pot when you did find it.
-551. Instead of thinking of people as Jocks, preps, goths, ect. you call them Duffers, mads, -ites....ect.