1000 signs your addicted to narniafans (Please Do Not Delete)

-521. You feel vindicated when the count goes wrong (^), as you've predicted it for ages. :p
-524. You have no broken down to considering posting an addiction that says 'You posted this just to get the count right again...'

:eek: we're in the negatives!
-525. You know the origanal name of (nearly) all the members. (Like when Warrior-Poet was Aragorn. :p)

-526. You're planning to read this whole thread (someday).
-527 You keep up with rpg's by reading all fifty pages you missed...and then fifty more you missed b/c you were busy reading the other pages...
-528 you love peanut butter

-529 you realize that number - 528 has nothing to do with NF

-530 you know that because of number -529 number -528 has now something to do with NF: nothing :eek:

-531 you are confused really easy in real life, but here on NF you can read the most stupid and weird things without coming even close to confusion.

-532 just because:D
-533. You keep dozens of NF threads up at once, so when you have to go offline, you can still compose posts.

-534. You look up the Latin for 'fanatic' so you can say 'Ego Narnia fanatico' :D

-535. Every time you eat an egg...you wonder if it was one of Ben's reletives. :(

-536. You feel like a traitor if you fail to post for a day... A hour... Or even a minute... ;)

-537. You remember the exitement of the day the addictions Reached ONE! (LoL...:o I forgot. We didn't do 0.)

-538. You have...to post...Just... One... More.......
0 You put 0 in, just to put the number in, because we missed it...

-539 you illustrate the peeps in your rpg's even when no one is going to see them other than you...
-542. You wonder if any of the old members will ever come back.

-543. You look at old diary entries, and they are full of references to 'BC', 'GC', 'WHB', 'DR'... :D
-541. You started bouncing around the house when you saw Lieke was on....

don't! you might hurt yourself:D

-544 you never call RF by her new name...

-545 you know the old members will come back, simply because it's the only thing that still gives hope to you

-546 you wonder if they found their lifes already:D
-547. You sometimes wonder if you, like the old members, will find your life. But you quickly dismiss these thoughts as traitourous, and if you decide that if you weren't you you'd execute yourself as a traitor. However, you can't because then there'd be nobody to do the other executions. And you'd miss NF.com.

-548. You randomly read The Article on Duffering, just because, even though you've read it a million times already.

-549. You occasionally call your friends in the real world by their forum names. In fact, you're more comfortable calling them by that.

-550. You went on an archialogical (I spelled that way wrong) dig to find this thread, and felt as though you'd hit jack-pot when you did find it.

-551. Instead of thinking of people as Jocks, preps, goths, ect. you call them Duffers, mads, -ites....ect.
-552 You know how to do things very actively online...I mean run, cough, eat, sleep, dance, die... Just use * *:D
-553 You wonder whether the world will come to an end when this gets to -1000
-554. You have been trying to find the perfect NF.com theme song...However, no songs out there have anything to do with eggs, cheeze whiz, or a box that is a house--or even Stan the Cookie.
-555 You know what on earth she's talking about up there... And you add to it...NONE of the songs have anything to do with shiny Trash Cans, Butterknives, OR EVEN INSANE ASYLUMS! :(
-556 you know the Duffer themesong:D

-557 you are planning to make a NF themesong that includes all the things from number -554...