-483. You remember creating this thread.
-484. And you remember finishing this thread.
-485. And you were not surprised when the members continued this thread into the negatives when they reached one.
-486. You have read "Making Fun of the Non-Mods" more then once.
-487. You know about the Narniafans facebook group
-488. You have joined the Narniafans facebook group
-489. You remember HB starting this thread.
-490. You remember when Dern ran out of original addictions.
-491. You stayed active even when HB went into retirement.
-492. You refuse to believe anyone is permanently banned and prefer to think they are just "away" for a while ...
-494. You noticed that Olorin messed up the count.
-495. You remember that Smog wanted this thread to be renamed, '1,000,000 reasons you're addicted to Narniafans.com'
-496. You remember when people were planning to use explosives to open the locked threads. (The debate threads, for those who don't know.)
-497. When you do physics, sometimes you read NF as 'NarniaFans', rather than 'Normal Force'.
-506 you like candy (you know, candy has sugar in it, sugar makes you hyper)
-507 you know that we will reach -1000 soon
-508 you help reaching the 100000 in the 100000 post game