1000 signs your addicted to narniafans (Please Do Not Delete)

(i can't count)

you get paranoid every time you see more than 15 people in a smaller space together and run away screaming "it's the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

...can't think of anything funny today...............................................
another thing...

you are always afraid that your duffer abilities may fade and that you would feel more attracted to.....................butterflies.
-520 you are mad at RF for doing that :mad:
-521 you wonder how any self-respecting-Narnia-fan could do that :p
-522 you know that we are in the negatives (we passed the 0 already, so we went in the negatives, Daisy;))
-523: You feel the need to explain further to Daisy, thus: "We started by going down from 1,000. But then we reached 0 and couldn't bear the thought of stopping, so we kept going into the negatives." :D

-524: You include in your prayers a prayer that SOMEBODY will resurrect the Duffer threads...
-525 you were confused because the numbers were going up, and feel like an idiot for not figuring that out sooner >.< lol

-526 you agree that the duffers need to be resurrected.
531. You never leave the house without your lap top

532. Your eyes have been damaged from starring at the computer screen too long (this seriously happened to me!)