1000 Ways You're Addicted to Narniafans...Part II

190. Because the Lossy-tree apparently just used herself as firewood (Dufferbuffin's cookies do double-duty as lighters)--hence the smoke.
189. Because I wish the Lossy-tree would regenerate.
Nay, my friend. 'Twas teleportation, and art that thou seemest to know naught of.

188。*reappeareth in a puff of purple smoke*
Nay, my friend. 'Twas teleportation, and art that thou seemest to know naught of.

187. Ahem...
186. *sprayeth smoke into oblivion*
185. When thou dost begin to speak in Shakespearian without awareness of thy peculiar speech....
183. When thou dost desire to speak the Tongue to thy roommates, but fear that they will think thee mad(der).
182. When thy roommate already thinketh thee mad, and loves thee nought less for't (she being little less mad than thyself).

181. When thou hast secretly opened thy roommate's Book of Faces, and left upon her pages a message written in this ancient tongue. :p
Thou art evil, O Lossy-tree. What wilt thy roommate do to mitigate thy transgression? Smite thee hip, thigh, and upper lower earlobe? :p

180. When at least one of roommates would prefer thy speaking of the Tongue to thy sadly slaughtered Spanglish.
179. When thou do desire within thine heart to bind the Lossy-tree, MF, the insufferable Telmarine, D, and the cat-lover and drag them back into this fair habitation of minds (but not brains, for the brains have been devoured by noble GG).
Thou speakest Spanglish?

178。 When two weeks away from this lawn hath left thee all shriveled up like a ... raisin.

177。When thou eatest little circles to rejuvenate.
I do speak sadly slaughtered Spanglish, and Spanglish is naught but sadly slaughtered Spanish. Therefore, the Spaniard in me dieth twice.

176. When thou learnest of a truth that the little circles of the Lossy-tree were secretly switched with mod cookies, and such the Lossy-tree didst ingest.
175. When thou rushest the Lossy-tree to the Insane Asylum to seek a physician's art.
173. When thou seest that the Lossy-tree shall forever be ruined by said cookies, though she cannot see their ill influence upon her mental state.
172. When thou hearest the Lossy-tree say, "Thou art a mod? How kind thou art! How generous and beneficient! Thy bowels of lovingkindness do me astound, and I bow before thee!"
171. When thou knowest that the Lossy-tree would have been safer (id est, mentally) had she been ground to soulful sawdust.
169. When thou thinkest that the Lossy-tree may have been cured...and then thou rememberest that the Lossy-tree, having been previously eaten by Her Lady of Gobbling, doth merely desire that the mods join her in the warm sanctity of said Lady's stomach.
167. Thou wouldest be cliff-splatted. Of a verity, "cliff-splatted" is a legitimate phrase for use with the Tongue.
165. Thou strappeth the Queen of Duffers onto a train when she is not present to defend herself? How canst thou dare?
164. On second thought, she deserveth it, for she hath procured unto herself a Life--a high crime according to the Law of Duffers.