A New Challenge

((do you live on the eastern coast????))((do you forgive me????))((you'll be fine, I flew around a hurricane!!!!! but I'll pray god keep you safe...but if you don't beleive in god I'll still pray))
*Edmund was mad so he went to the back of the group.[sombody tell me what happens er play out what you think! Just make sure Edmund gets kidnapped with no notice!]
((so am I fogivin Skandar?????))

come on you guys...I know everyone is frusterated, getting chased by a bunch of magical beings can defingattly get on someones nerves!

((gtg what time will you be on tomorrow Jadis?))
slpnarniaqueen said:
((so am I fogivin Skandar?????))

come on you guys...I know everyone is frusterated, getting chased by a bunch of magical beings can defingattly get on someones nerves!

((gtg what time will you be on tomorrow Jadis?))
((oh ok I'll be on abot 2:00PM or later))

*Jadis listen to Loretta and spoke*"I know I'm still the White Witch and I still have my coldnest but not much but still have some and my temper"
slpnarniaqueen said:
((so am I fogivin Skandar?????))

come on you guys...I know everyone is frusterated, getting chased by a bunch of magical beings can defingattly get on someones nerves!

((gtg what time will you be on tomorrow Jadis?))
[ yes you are forgivin!]
*Loretta walked through the wood holding Edmond's hand tightly* So WHEN are you going to tell them! YOu know about...us. *her eyes showed worry*

Why are you worried? *Edmond asked reading her eyes*

I'm worried because what if they don't let you...you know...marry me? I'll be heart broken, and I don't know if I can handle that!

Stay close! *he pulled Su and LU close* who knows what else is in these woods!
slpnarniaqueen said:
*Loretta walked through the wood holding Edmond's hand tightly* So WHEN are you going to tell them! YOu know about...us. *her eyes showed worry*

Why are you worried? *Edmond asked reading her eyes*

I'm worried because what if they don't let you...you know...marry me? I'll be heart broken, and I don't know if I can handle that!

Stay close! *he pulled Su and LU close* who knows what else is in these woods!

*Jadis was following close behind her famliy and was watching out for trouble*
Aslan appeared to them in the woods and spoke in a most gentle tone!

" Dear ones the woods are safe for now but do hasten out of them....as for Edmund and Loretta, you two don't need anyone's approval. Although, if it counts I am happy for you and hope the best for your future together...you will make fine rulers for Narnia!!!!!!!!! Jadis I am proud of you as well!! Job well done to all of you. Now shal we rest and have supper?
aslan'sluv said:
Aslan appeared to them in the woods and spoke in a most gentle tone!

" Dear ones the woods are safe for now but do hasten out of them....as for Edmund and Loretta, you two don't need anyone's approval. Although, if it counts I am happy for you and hope the best for your future together...you will make fine rulers for Narnia!!!!!!!!! Jadis I am proud of you as well!! Job well done to all of you. Now shal we rest and have supper?

*Jadis smiled at Aslan and spoke*"thank you Sir and I say we shall"
;) :) There is no need to thank me liitle ones! I am happy to be here with all of you again...I am not sure how long I shall stay, but rest assured I'll be here a while yet!!! After all we have a wedding to plan!!!!
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