A New Challenge

*~Aslansfriend~* said:
Zack smiled, wigging his tale in an excited manner, "hey now that feels good!" he said, "could you try maybe srracthing me under the ears? we wolves love it when creatures rub us under the ears isn't that right Azul?"
Azul laughed slightly, "not all of us.....remember mom? she wouldn't hardly let anyone near her when she was alive..." her tone turned sad at the end though she quickly faked a smile, "but I know you do..."

*Jadis chuckled and scatched Zack under his ears*
~JadisTheWhiteWitch~ said:
*Jadis chuckled and scatched Zack under his ears*

Azul laughed half heartedly while she watched Azuls foot pad up and down on the ground again and again vary much like a dog would when you have found the special place on it's body that it liked best when you scrahced it.
"oh yeah..thats the spot thats the spot!" Azul said in a relaxed tone.
"alright Zack you don't want Jadis to tire her arm..." Azul said walking to stand beside Jadis.
*~Aslansfriend~* said:
Azul laughed half heartedly while she watched Azuls foot pad up and down on the ground again and again vary much like a dog would when you have found the special place on it's body that it liked best when you scrahced it.
"oh yeah..thats the spot thats the spot!" Azul said in a relaxed tone.
"alright Zack you don't want Jadis to tire her arm..." Azul said walking to stand beside Jadis.

*Jadis smiled and spoke*"I'm glad you like that Zack"
~JadisTheWhiteWitch~ said:
*Jadis smiled and spoke*"I'm glad you like that Zack"

Zack smiled shaking his fur, feeling refreshed, "well that was an awfully kind thing for you to do....wasn't it am awful kind thing for her to do Azul wasn't it! wasm't it! wasn't it!!!" he said practicly jumping up and down in excitement.
Azul laughed at her brothers enthsiasim for he had always been that way for as long as she could remember, "yes it was...Zack and someone like you and I should be vary thankful for any kindess we reseive whatsoever"
*~Aslansfriend~* said:
Zack smiled shaking his fur, feeling refreshed, "well that was an awfully kind thing for you to do....wasn't it am awful kind thing for her to do Azul wasn't it! wasm't it! wasn't it!!!" he said practicly jumping up and down in excitement.
Azul laughed at her brothers enthsiasim for he had always been that way for as long as she could remember, "yes it was...Zack and someone like you and I should be vary thankful for any kindess we reseive whatsoever"
*Jadis smiled and chuckle at Zack*
Zack looked up at Fermium with his tail wagging like crazy, "oh yea thats right your Jadis's father! I met you a couple of minutes ago didn't I? let me tell you all about Azul and I...." he wen't into a rant about how him and Azul had been the witches minions and then excaped to the woods after the huge battle of buruna.
Azul stood there qiuetly for she would much rather forget her past.
*~Aslansfriend~* said:
Zack looked up at Fermium with his tail wagging like crazy, "oh yea thats right your Jadis's father! I met you a couple of minutes ago didn't I? let me tell you all about Azul and I...." he wen't into a rant about how him and Azul had been the witches minions and then excaped to the woods after the huge battle of buruna.
Azul stood there qiuetly for she would much rather forget her past.

*Jadis listen to what Zack was telling her farther about his and sis's past and hers*
Zacks ears perked up and his tale starting wagging like cracy once again at the sound of food, "did you say food?" he said his eyes wide with excitement. "why didn't you say so before Azul and I would love to join you and Jadis for luch!! wouldn't we Azul?"
Azul nodded and qiuetly agreed for she was feeling down about her past.
*~Aslansfriend~* said:
Zacks ears perked up and his tale starting wagging like cracy once again at the sound of food, "did you say food?" he said his eyes wide with excitement. "why didn't you say so before Azul and I would love to join you and Jadis for luch!! wouldn't we Azul?"
Azul nodded and qiuetly agreed for she was feeling down about her past.
*Jadis followed her farther and wolf friends to her farther's home for lunch*
~JadisTheWhiteWitch~ said:
*Jadis smiled and took the sandwhich from her farther and started eating it*

both of the wolves eyes widend when they seen how huge the steaks were, Zach emmisitely dug into eating his steak the moment it was placed before him. "Zach atleast mind your manners and say thank you!' Azul scoled her brother, which casued him to stop eating and look up at the group, "oh heh sorry about that..we thank you ever so much for the delitious food Mr. Fermium!" with that he wen't back to eating.
*~Aslansfriend~* said:
both of the wolves eyes widend when they seen how huge the steaks were, Zach emmisitely dug into eating his steak the moment it was placed before him. "Zach atleast mind your manners and say thank you!' Azul scoled her brother, which casued him to stop eating and look up at the group, "oh heh sorry about that..we thank you ever so much for the delitious food Mr. Fermium!" with that he wen't back to eating.

*Jadis smiled and continue to eat her sandwhich that was really good*