Affectionate Fighting

Amanda-Panda, you are aware of some serious matters going on, for which you yourself are one of the prayer partners, even _besides_ the problem you were already helping with. If I'm in a less playful mood for awhile, accept my word that it does NOT mean I love you any less! Rather, I love you _more_ for the compassion you show to others in distress. I am still interested in what happens in your life, and I betcha the Mods won't begrudge it to you to use this thread to report things of interest to me. I Glove you, dear child.
Papa Joe, I understand the struggles and conflicts that you are going through at this moment. Just know this, I am _always_ here for you. Even if I am not physically with you or physically on the computer typing to you, I am always with you.
Of course I'll keep you updated. ^^ Cause sometimes my life can get pretty interesting, or that's what I've been told. XD

I Glove you too.
Thank you, little darling. If we can't be face to face hugging each other, we sure can be back to back fighting the good fight of our faith in Jesus! Certain other systems have to resort to censorship and other ways of rigging the contest in their own favor; but we who follow Jesus know that His truth can stand on ITS OWN merits in any fair debate.
i see that you, my enemies (yah know, i still dont understand the differences between adressing an enemy and an ally, but i am trying haha) have been spreading more good cheer and encouragement?!?!? how appallingly wonderful:eek: (haha misspelling). I must say, you do an awful good job at it. and your apologetic natures (i think you know the definition of the word that i am implying) really does wonders for our little forum. And yet, you have to go and make me oh so proud of you?!?! tisk tisk
Yesh; well dear Ferny, just saying that should show you that I have some Glove for you by calling you by a nickname, I think that you are getting the ally and enemy thing just right. ^^ Even if you messed up I'd be here to guide you and explain everything so you'd get it just right. Though I don't think that you would need this tutoring because you are a very intelligent person that is odviously willing to learn. XD
you would dare teach me in these ways? like i would accept your help? you are way to gracious! And even if i did have the heart of a learner, knowing you would do your best to help me shows way to much compassion!
tisk tisk, and calling me by a nickname? you show way to much concern for me. Only people who understand the true art of friendship and compassion would take the time to show concern for another individual's well-being with no strings attached. May our Sovereign Lord bless you greatly for this willingness.
Dearest Fernie Your a wonderful friend. Someone i am really glad i got to know one of my very first freinds and fans of my story. I am so glad that we have always got along.

Dear Cf even though we have had our times of fighting and when i didn't agree with you. We had our spats but you always were doing it with the matter of helping me out.

I am thankful for all lthe freinds i met on here. How some of you are always with me when i have prayer request. You guys are wonderful.
[Amanda is taken aback upon reading the past note by her new enemy Ferny.]

Dearest Ferny, I am terriably sorry for having to cut this short so fast. It is almost 2am here where I stay and I should of been in bed ages ago. :rolleyes: However, don't think that you are going to get away with that [points at the post above].! I _will_ be back and you _better_ be ready. :p

Good night Ferny. :]
Sweet dreams.

[Gahh. I love your nickname... it sounds too cool. :cool: lol.]
Dearest Mary, you have such a wonderful heart. you are very talented, how can i help but be a fan? AND you are so gracious and encouraging of the more fledgling aspiring authors. It is something that is greatly appreciated. it is so much to grow in learning to write and express oneself through the written word when you know that someone is taking the time to listen to your words, or in our case, the typed words. Thank you every so muchly.
Your very welcome Fernie I always enjoying being encouraging cause i myself was discouraged when i started writing on here. Its always nice to have some place to work your kinks out and get feedback As well as have freinds to come and post for knowing that they are enjyoing it. As oppose to some other trheads and boards where they dismiss your story wihtout a thougtht at least here you know you have some support.
K-J-C, it's wonderful to see you beaming on board. I would take more time to barrage you with photon-flattery, but I have sorrowful matters on my mind right now. Don't let that stop you from gently brawling with others here. May the REAL Force (of the Holy Spirit) be with you!
A special message to my very special Amanda-Panda

Today I went out on one of the exercise walks which are part of combatting my high blood-pressure. (Now, THAT'S an opponent I feel NO love for!) While I was out, I naturally prayed for many needs, including several already known to you. It was exactly at the moment that I finished a detailed prayer for your little brother to be protected against evil bullies (and it's about time that adults called things what they are, and labelled bullying as EVIL, because the children who do it KNOW that they are doing wrong), that I saw my latest yellow tiger-swallowtail butterfly going past.

Keep the faith, O ally whom I dearly Glove.

ADDENDUM: Amanda, your PM box is full again. Please get space cleared and contact me by that channel before posting anything here.
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peers into the room :)

peers into the room with her elephant shaped water canister without copperfox knowing it :) , hellllllllllllllllllo is anyone here?, i'm back from my overnight stay :) waters the garden and then tiptoes out of the room :)
you're welcome, starts digging up the garden

comes in with her shovel for transporting her garden elsewhere, starts shoveling up the plants, kindly says to the fern you're welcome :) picks up her plants and carries them out of the room at angelic speed :)
:eek: you just took away all my friends!!

hey, just wanted to say, that it is always a pleasure seeing a fellow Orgonian around the forum. we come from such a beautiful place of the world that is full of God's glorious creation.
Why did you take the gardent elsewhere? Is there anything left here? I brought something for the garden, two watercatching angels *leaves the angels in a corner in case shortangel wants to use them*


I have bumped this thread up for one exceptional purpose: in order that the startlement effect of its reappearance may result in my sometime co-star in it taking a look. Then I can say: "Hey, Amanda, your PM box is full again! I hope you empty some space in it soon--not without reading what I last was able to send to it, of course."