Affectionate Fighting

G.U.G. Treaty now that is very convient. XD

I'll try to get someone that I can battle with to make our war spread.

Good night, Papa Joe.


Good Morning, Papa Joe. I hope that you had a nice nights rest. :]
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Thank you, dear ally and collaborator. It's a good thing I can still praise and flatter you within the treaty framework, because this morning I feel like being terribly nice and positive toward you. In fact, I'm going to invite Janalee metaphorically to speak through me, sharing the words of a ditty she used to sing in the mornings to her daughters when they were small:

Good morning, good morning, good morning,
It's time to rise and shine!
Good morning, good morning, good morning,
I hope you're feeling fine!
The sun is up above the hill,
Another day for us to fill,
Get up, get up, you sleepyhead,
Come on, get up, get out of bed!

She used to sing that to me, too, on the rather few occasions when she was up for the day sooner than I was. It was ever so much nicer to hear than "Reveille, reveille, up all bunks" in the Navy.
And a good afternoon from germany all of you- looking round if she might accidently catch shortangel- no. I leave you my blessings and tell you how happy I am to have some of you as fellow-combatants on the friendship-thread!
Oh- and here I leave something for shortangels virtual garden- a bunch of my finest lavender.
Danke schoen on Shortangel's behalf, Lioba. And you can pass on a savage, cruel, mean-spirited attack from me to your husband, now that I know you have one. Tell him I said that he is guilty of HORRIBLY PERFECT judgment and FRIGHTFULLY EXCELLENT taste for having married such a DREADFULLY GOOD-NATURED lady as you are!
comes in with her water canister

comes in with her elephant shaped water canister without copperfox knowing it, picks up the lavendar that libola left and plants it in the garden, flys out of the room at angelic speed :)
But when Shortangel gets home, she finds a note waiting for her. It is written in very large letters, as if written with a pen that was grasped in a large talon instead of a human hand. It says:

"Dear Shortangel: I think you are a really likeable example of the Daughters of Eve. May Aslan be before you and behind you, and may He send you just such adventures as will really give your wings a healthy workout. Best Regards, Lord Vortex, Patriarch of the Gryphons."

It is the official finding of the G.U.G. Treaty Compliance Committee that the party of the second part, hereinafter designated as "Amanda-Panda," is not only in complete and satisfactory compliance with all terms of the aforesaid treaty, but is in fact to be credited with being a source of joy to the party of the first part, hereinafter designated as "Papa Joe."

The aforesaid Papa Joe, on behalf of the committee and by means of this notification, does advise and inform the aforesaid Amanda-Panda that she is the lawful recipient of approval, fondness, and other positive sentiments transmitted by the aforesaid Papa Joe, and that Papa Joe can scarcely even imagine ever thinking ill of Amanda-Panda.

(I wish I could find and reproduce here a humor piece I once saw, which used this kind of inflated officialese talk to a much grander degree, satirizing legal documents by showing how The Lord's Prayer might look if a lawyer had written it!)

As an addendum: I did realize that in a PM of mine I had failed to answer your question about a certain other message. So I tried to send you another PM which would answer this, but your Inbox was AGAIN too crowded for me to get through. So I'll say here that the message of concern to you is travelling as postal mail, because this works best in the specific circumstances of the person you are so commendably trying to be helpful to.
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o.0 My inbox is always too full. Sorry. lol. You are basically the only one who PMs me and it still stays full.

I am glad to hear that my package is on it's way. I am anxious to hear how everything goes.

Thanks Papa Joe. :p
I am human though, so I may upset you one day, although I wouldn't mean to.
What? You contradict my word about NOT thinking ill of you?? This calls for one brief old-style Glove-skirmish, after which the Treaty will resume as if there had never been any disturbance.

CONFOUND IT, Amanda-Panda, you'd better listen good! You will NOT be allowed to get away with pessimism on THIS thread! I now bombard and blast you with sugary, slushy, mushy, mellow fellowship and friendship and grandfathership! I dunk you in pools of happiness and roast you over life-giving flames of emotional healing!
:D See look at what you do to me.! You force me to smile even when I don't want to. XD
I guess I am so used to people being ill and upset at me... o.0

I thing that I have learned my lesson -- after being roasted and all. lol. :p
Well, cherished Amanda, that skirmish didn't need to go on for long! Since the expression "Kiss and make up" might be misconstrued, I'll say that we repeat the secret handshake and the G.U.G. Treaty is in effect once more. Good thing, too; on this short notice, I didn't have any pies ready for another pie fight.

If your PM box is full and you hate losing the contents, is it not possible for you to print out some of the past PM's and save them in a scrapbook? (Jan and I maintained a couple of scrapbooks, now priceless treasuries of happy memories.)
The sad thing is that I have already printed out our first messages to and from each other... like the first 10 or so. XD Well I didn't mean sad because it's great that I am able to have them around always. It helps to know that someone somewhere cares even when I can't get to a computer.
I just haven't had the right amount of time to sit down and print things like I used to.... cough... okay what I meant was that now I have to use my own ink and paper but before I could use the school's. XP lol.
I had thought about sending some of the messages to my old account here, but I kinda forgot my password. o.0
Okay, I won't send you any more PM's until that business you are helping with requires it. After all, under the terms of the treaty, I can _openly_ declare that you are a fine girl, always a pleasure to "talk" with!

And now, my very dear child, I bid you a blessed Good Night.
haha. Okay; I'll be sure to keep an open spot in my box so you can reach me when the mentioned happens.
Of course you can always drop a line. I'll be making some more space in there shortly.

Nighty-night Papa Joe. :]
I think that I need to be getting to bed also. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning. :rolleyes:
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It's still morning for me in Colorado. But morning, afternoon or nighttime, I still Glove my sweet Amanda-Panda.

Don't forget to be on the lookout for likely targets you and I can gang up on with muggings of niceness and blessing.
Of course. I knew that. :o lol. It's like 11:30 there right?
:] I love being Gloved. <3

[Searches for a target that could be ganged up on.]
More like 10:30 here--Rocky Mountain time zone.

And I Glove it that you Glove being Gloved, because I Glove Gloving such Glovable youngsters as you are, my be-Gloved and Glovely child.
o.0 wow. No wonder why you can stay up later than I can... because when it is 5am here it is only 3 where you are. :p

hahaha. You win. I don't think that I can beat that but I will try.

I Glove that you Glove that I Glove being Gloved, because you are my favorite be-Gloved Gloving Spiritual Grandpa.
hello, i will stop by and compliment you respectable, and in my opinion, quite honorable people. Thank you that you have the heart of an encourager, that is something that this world needs.