Affectionate Fighting

comes in with her elephant shaped water canister :)

comes in with her elephant shaped water canister without copperfox knowing it, waters the garden, still trying to figure out how these gryphon wings got on her :) tiptoes out of the room without anybody seeing her :)
Tiff! I am stabbed with delight, scorched with gratification, flayed with rapture, and fractured with Glove, to see you posting here! Whatever the phone company was, I saw a corresponding ad in which it was a father and son "fighting," with the mother adding a few lines partway through.

Please don't be a stranger here; you're as entitled as any, and more than many, to be cruelly and traumatically Gloved. And don't be alarmed by the sweet young lady with wings on her back whom Vortex the Gryphon has reported seeing around; she is in fact responsible for the arbors and floral arrangements here that form the background for suspenseful duels of reciprocal high regard between TDL folks.
AMANDA-PANDA: At whatever time you finally get back on here, make sure you read ALL the posts you missed: you know, catch up on the current tactical situation in what is by now a many-sided Glove-war. But YOUR side remains vital and strategic. I wasn't kidding at all when I said recently that, of all relationships that are NEITHER romantic NOR based within my own extended family, NONE are more valuable to me than my slightly eccentric relationship with my DELIGHTFUL Amanda-Panda.
Well, Manda-Panda is back. dun dun dunn. :p I am sorry about all of my absences these past few days.

Copperfox - Awwee. You never fail to make me smile. :] The fireworks here were beautiful as always, although they had to speed everything up since it was storming here. XD But it was the _best_. I read evey single last one of your posts and I have deleted the message that was blocking you from sending yours to me. It accually was a message from Holyboy. :rolleyes: Anywho, to fill you in on the last few days, Saturday I spent almost all day outside with my brother trying to teach him how to ride a bike. It was fun. Then in the afternoon [when the mail came] I had a letter from school. Guess what!? I now have to do a mess load of summer work for my AP Earth and Environmental class. [Which I was lucky to get into.] Sunday, [today] I _finally_ got my mom and dad to go outside with me and my little brother and we rode on our bikes for a little while together. [And we are going to take our bikes with us when we go on vacation in August. :] ] Before we went riding though, I had to write an essay and mail it back to my AP E&E teacher for one third of her summer work. Now I just have to get 10 long articles and write summarys for them and go over a billion words that I've never seen before. [It is not normal for a 10th grader to be taking any AP classes.] lol.
Although, it sounds like I've had a wonderful time, I've missed you. All of you, but mostly you Papa Joe.
I think that it is neat that Vortex has given his wings to shortangel. Now she can really fly like the angel that she is. :]
I will be PMing you shortly.

Tiff - lol. That commercial does really sound like everyone on here fighting. I am trying to find some questions to ask you on your Fine Arts thread. I've read through most of the posts on there, and you can tell that you have a passion for the arts.

There is so much more that I wish to say. Alas, it can wait for a later post. XD
* * Insert the following retroactively around the point where Amanda is imagined coming back and seeing the older material I had on the thread just waiting for her:

Oh, well met once more, my non-detested non-archenemy! Surely no one will scowl any disapproving scowls at us if we do what Queen Susan and Mr. Tumnus did in a scene from "The Horse and His Boy": clasp hands and exuberantly twirl each other around and around. If pressed, we'll tell them that this is a new fighting maneuver. And if we cling tightly to each other for just a moment afterward, that's merely regaining our balance.

* * The rest, then, comes after what Amanda has just now posted--

O fiercely-raging diametrically-opposed mutually-contending little honey-darling: your loving care to help your little brother shows again what an absolute gladiator of sweetness you are! Let me try to stagger and intimidate and overpower you with rapid-fire assurances of just HOW good it is to have you here again:

Having you to battle with is like browsing through the DVD racks at Wal-Mart and finding a copy of a favorite rare movie, one that I had given up hope of ever finding in a video form.

Having you to battle with is like finding a swimming pool where the water is _exactly_ the right comfortable temperature, and it never stings my eyes.

Having you to battle with is like buying a bag of movie-theater popcorn (in the days before my blood pressure began forcing me to avoid salty food), and finding NO nasty unpopped kernels in it.

Having you to battle with is like the perfect ointment to relieve all the aches in my wrists, my knuckles, my chest, my hips and my knees.

Having you to battle with is like having the waiter at a restaurant _remember_ that I asked for no ice in my lemonade and no onions in my salad.

Having you to battle with is like when my daughter Annemarie was very young, and she liked to pretend that she was She-Ra and her Daddy was He-Man. (In doing so, she and I were exactly as "hostile" to each other as you and I are now.)

Having you to battle with is like being on the ferocious highways of my former home state of Maryland, but miraculously encountering a driver who _does_ let me merge into traffic and _doesn't_ try to run me off the road.

Having you to battle with is like being the caller at a square dance, and yet somehow at the same time being allowed to dance with a lady myself.

Having you to battle with is like gathering wood for a campfire, and finding plenty of all the right sizes of sticks with none of them rotten or muddy.

Having you to battle with is like bringing a good book to read on a bench in a clean and quiet park by a river...or perhaps beside a greenhouse?

AND...having you to battle with is like having close-up seats at a fireworks display where the fireworks are accompanied by playing of the "1812 Overture."

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[After having to regain her balance from viciously spinning in circles with the always-wonderful Copperfox, Amanda was blown away with all of the rapid-fire assurances that was sent her way.]

Yeah, well you know what I have to say about that?

Fighting with you is like being able to eat as much cake and goodies without having to worry about gaining any weight. I can have as much as I please and not have any nasty side-affects.

It's like being able to go to a nice, quiet riverside and relax. Letting all of my insecurities and stress flow away and drown in the serenity of the river.

Reading your Gloveing posts are like getting back the results from an exam and finding out that you passed with flying colors. A relief beyond words, for a nerd like me.

Having you to battle with is like having an actual grandfather who cares and who is there when I need them.

Battleing with you is like listening to my favorite song, I can never get enough of it.
Well, my devoted antagonist, I hope your appetite for Glove is as endless as you so boastfully suggest, because--

If you were to quit this forum, it would be as if one of the Narnian books were suddenly withdrawn from circulation.

If you were to quit this forum, it would be as if an orchestra lost all of its viola players, or maybe the oboe players.

If you were to quit this forum, it would be as if a softball team lost its catcher (since you're so good at _catching_ the point of your Papa Joe's jokes).

If you were to quit this forum, it would be as if a crew of construction workers all found their lunchboxes were missing.

AND...if you, dearest Amanda-Panda, were to quit this forum, then the outcome of the battle would no longer determine the outcome of the battle.
hehe. The funny part about the catcher thing is that I do catch sometimes. XD

If you were to quit the forum there would be no equal battles of Glove to compete in that would fill the void.

If you were to quit the forum I would cry. o.0 ooo. yeah, I would.

If you happened to disappear off of the forum it would be like Bonnie without Clyde, or Piglet without Winnie the Pooh, or Captian Jack Sparrow without William Turner.

If you left off of the forum it would be like owning an Ipod without being able to charge it.

If you left the forum it would be like a band with out the trumpets. [I used to play the bass clairnet.] Trust me, a band without trumpets... yeah it's not too great sounding.

If you left the forum it would be like planting a garden only to find out that there was a wave of drought coming.

If you left it would be like reading a thrilling story that all of a sudden ended in 'and he woke up from his dream to find that everything was okay.'
Yeah it would be that bad. Like a world with no music. Sure everyone would still lead a life, alas, everyone _needs_ a dose music to help their day go along better.
Beloved child: in a world which screams at us that everything is sex and sex is everything, your decent and pure Glove for me is more precious than precious! Hardly anyone these days remembers the old Shirley Temple movies, and those who do remember them often sneer at their plots; but I enjoy those stories in which strong, brave, chivalrous, NORMAL men were charmed and captivated in the RIGHT way by the child characters played by Shirley. Though of course you are much nearer to womanhood, sweetest Amanda, you still carry with you the appeal of Shirley Temple: the power to make a grown man WANT to treat you with compassion and gentleness.

Since I Glove you so much that it's getting harder even to maintain the feeblest pretense of a fight, this may be a good time to call a very affectionate peace conference (until the next desperate battle), and make sure that newcomers appreciate the nature of the G-rated love between you and me, which we conveniently call Glove...


1) Glove, by definition, desires the person we Glove to be happy.

2) Glove wants the other person to come up to a high standard, but gladly _helps_ that person to approach it.

3) Glove, not being Eros, doesn't mind sharing the Gloved one with others.

4) Glove is never treacherous to the other person--except maybe in a playful way, like suddenly dropping Gug-bombs.

5) Glove never tries to make the other person look or feel inferior.

6) Glove never gets tired of caring about the other person.

7) Y'know what? Glove is looking more and more like the agape love detailed in First Corinthians 13!--except that agape plays no favorites, whereas Glove is allowed to love some "a little _more_ equally than others."
Thoes are some wonderful descriptions of Glove Papa Joe.

True Glove allows you to have healthy relationships with your friends while false love can cause you to be thrown in an unhealthy relationship.

I trust that you did get my last PM.? I didn't know if you did or didn't because my computer is acting a little... mehh.... because of the storms around the house. I'm sitting on a computer in the middle of a thunderstorm. To think that I am the future, haha, you people ought to be scared.
I've never been compared to Shirley Temple before. Although, I haven't seen any of her movies, I know that my Grandma was a fan of Ms. Temple and that she owns all of her movies. I was, as a kid, a fan of Shirley's 'Animal Crackers in My Soup' song. :D
Amanda, any halfway decent man only needs to have the privilege of befriending you, and if he's paying any attention at all he will get an education in what Glove is.

I did get your PM, and its content has already been relayed, though the recipient won't see it until tomorrow. So be at ease, my extra-super-ultra-special girl, you've started that ball of goodness rolling. Continue to pray for the need I explained to you. And before I drag myself to bed, as part of our mutually-mushy peace negotiations, I offer you this diplomatic gesture:

Perhaps you've seen the animated classic "Fantasia," in which Mickey Mouse himself portrays "The Sorceror's Apprentice," using magic he can't really control, to create a sort of robot to do his work for him, but the robot becomes many robots which make a frightful mess. Well, my "magic," not an occult force but only a figure of speech, is a Gloving imagination which imagines an army of nice, friendly robots coming toward you. Like the ones in the Disney film, they are carrying buckets; but what they fling on you from those buckets is a large quantity of pixie dust borrowed from the Peter Pan story, so that a happy thought will send you joyously flying through whole galaxies of good fun. This will give poor self-sacrificing Vortex more time to grow his wings back before you ask him for another flight.

Good night, with long warm Gugs, my little Gloved one.
Okay just makeing sure that you did get it. I do get worked up on some things. lol.
Of course I will keep our friend in my prayers.

I loved Fantasia. When I was younger I would _always_ watch it, my parents having to pull me away from the tv because of it. That being said, I am very familiar to what you are describing. Thank you for bringing me all of the pixie dust.

Yes, time for bed. Nighty-night dearest Copperfox. [Gives Papa Joe a tender Gug as she would her mother or father.] I wish you a sweet, uninterrupted, relaxing, and refreshing sleep. :]
See you in the morning.
I did sleep fairly well, my dearly cherished Amanda. And I retroactively Gug you right back, cheek to cheek. Now I guess it's my move in the current quest of a diplomatic solution to our desperate conflict of colliding sentimentalities. At least _this_ peace process has a chance of getting somewhere--unlike the Middle East, where Israel makes concession after concession and _repeatedly_ is "rewarded" with treacherous attacks by Hamas or Hezbollah. So I challenge, I mean invite you, to a marathon of sharp and shrewd bargaining--in which I will be seeking to persuade you to share long-term Glove with me, whereas you by contrast will be seeking to persuade me to share long-term Glove with you.

Now, just as the outcome of our battles determined the outcome of our battles, likewise the outcome of our negotiations will determine the outcome of our negotiations. If you plan to negotiate in good faith, you must demonstrate that you understand what is at stake. The stakes at our bargaining table (the same table that recently held the tasty ammunition for our pie fight that included EveningStar, as you'll recall) are high, at least as high as the stakes were for your Bible study assignments. In brief:

For many days, my darling young enemy, as a world of Duffers looked on in an agony of suspense, you and I have showered each other with tender affection and mutual admiration. But now the situation has been dramatically and radically transformed: NOW, in our new negotiations, we are showering each other with tender affection and mutual admiration. If a treaty is arrived at between us, we can look forward to showering each other with tender affection and mutual admiration; but if the negotiations break down, we will instead revert to showering each other with tender affection and mutual admiration.

Isn't it suspenseful?
Good Morning Papa Joe! or should I say Good Afternoon since it is already past noon. XD I'm glad to hear that you slept well. My sleep [once I accually went to sleep] was okay also, espically considering the fact that I just couldn't fall asleep.

Ohhh. That is suspenseful and intriguing. I will join you in the negotiation that you speak of. :p Maybe we can double team someone. lol. Now that would be deadly fun.
I agree that our alliance _would_ mean opportunities to join forces "against" (= for the benefit of) other TDL residents. However, dear one, I have misgivings about the likelihood of these peace talks really succeeding. After all, _both_ parties to such a meeting are expected to show a certain restraint. But today you have committed the _provocation_ of displaying your magnificent Christian character in the way you so compassionately reached out to Jersey Dagmar. (The same can be said for Lioba, but it isn't so egregious in her case because _she_ isn't in the midst of sensitive diplomatic negotiations.)

Now, the premise and purpose of our truce is for the sake of you and me Gloving, affirming, honoring, supporting, comforting, treasuring, cherishing, praising and delighting in each other. But I warn you: if you keep on recklessly spreading mercy and goodness to others, our treaty talks may break down, inevitably resulting in you and me Gloving, affirming, honoring, supporting, comforting, treasuring, cherishing, praising and delighting in each other!!
But I warn you: if you keep on recklessly spreading mercy and goodness to others, our treaty talks may break down
You should of seen my face when I was reading through this part. All through my mind was, 'OMGosh what have I done now?!'
hahaha. Me and my 'jumping to conclusions way too fast' self.

Jersey Dagmar, there is something about her that reminds me of my old self. I just want her to see that friendship is beneficial to life, that friends, _true_ friends, help in more ways than imagineable. True friends like yourself. Just because we are in this treaty doesn't mean that I can't complement you anymore, does it? lol.

I know that not all of the people whom I try to reach out to are going to welcome me with open arms. That doesn't mean that I am not going to try though. I think that I just might have to change my career path. lol. Counceling. XP I don't think that I could manage that well espically because of the demeaner of the councellors that I have seen. I don't think that I could have a 'happy go lucky' 'everything is going to be okay' look on everything like some of them do.

ps. The tattoo thing. I've had people tell me that getting tattoos is a sin. Is that true?
My darling child, we already discussed tattoos; not that I'm terribly reluctant to repeat myself. (-: I am convinced that _having_ a tattoo is not morally evil, unless the particular tattoo happens to present a _message_ that is evil. But I do believe tattooing to be physically an unhealthy practice.

Getting back to the negotiating table: of _course_ you can still compliment me! Haven't you been following my clear explanation of the diplomatic process? Our negotiations are _intended_ to produce a situation in which you and I constantly exchange assurances of our mutual love and opposed to our TOTALLY DIFFERENT wartime situation, in which you and I were constantly exchanging assurances of our mutual love and approval. Now is it clear how much is at stake in this crisis?
[Ohhh. Okay I see your view on the tattoo thinggy. I'm not going to bring it up anymore. I'm not even sure if I want one now that I can see how much you detest it.]

haha. You're fighting dirty now. I can clearly see what your intentions are. :] Your plans would have us helping other people, then in turn help ourselves with complements and warm thoughts. Sorry about my foggy thoughts [I think that it may have something to so with the fact that I didn't go to sleep until four am. Which is totally not your fault. Although you are suffering from it because you are having to type more than necessary. Sorry. :o]
There's no need to apologize, dear heart. Our negotiations don't have to proceed at an exhausting breakneck pace. As long as we ARE in negotiations, offering limitless friendship and affection and acceptance to each other, this is holding off the terrible danger of a renewed battle in which we would be offering limitless friendship and affection and acceptance to each other.
Apologizing makes me feel a little better, even if I didn't do anything wrong.

o.0 My AP E&E teacher just emailed me back. I don't know what I should say. My mom laughed at me when I called her to tell her, she thinks that my worring over little things is humorous. Alas, I don't want this teacher to think that I am not qualified to take her class because I haven't had as much experience in the math and science fields as her other students may have.