Affectionate Fighting

Well, you young sweetheart, negotiating always involves offering something, so I'll offer to pray for you, that God will produce the best possible outcome to this particular school situation.

(Speaking of prayer issues, Amanda: the mother in the situation you know about says for me to tell you, "No, it isn't hidden at all.")
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comes with her water canister

comes in with her elephant shaped water canister without copperfox knowing it :) dumps water on the garden that is almost dry, hmmmm did somebody call me an angel :) can't find her angel wings anywhere :)
Amanda: to show that peace negotiations don't have to be tense, I'm going to make a small joke, one that really suggested itself by happy chance.

You recall how we imagined tap-dancing (joined also by Frau Lioba) at my Rebirthday party?
Because you mentioned the tapdancing again in PM's, I suddenly realized that this made you one of the stars of the "Stargate" programs. That's were AMANDA TAPPING!!
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Amanda dear, I received your PM telling why you had to go offline for awhile. I hope all will be okay where you are; meanwhile, I leave this message for you to find when you are able to return to the scene of our battling, or of our negotiations, whichever it was, whichever lets us have more good clean fun, at least clean when there isn't a pie-fight in progress.

I am proud of YOU, my spiritual granddaughter, for your eager desire to be helpful to someone in spiritual distress. And I Glove YOU more than there are calories and fat-grams in a ten-pound "Black Forest" chocolate cake.
I'm fine. :] The storms passed fairly quickly. There was a little hail, a lot of rain, some lightening, and thunder that shook the windows. My little brother was terrified, and he called my mother and she suggested that we lay low for a while. Meaning to turn the computer completely off and what not. It is still raining lightly outside, but nothing out of the normal.

Awwwe. You make me smile. :D
I am trying to figure out how to word the note to my friend without her turning against it. If you have any ideas on how I should start it out... it would help tremendously. I know how I would react if I got a letter from a person that I don't even know.

hehe... Amanda Tapping. That's funny.

Here's a joke that I came across last week sometime. It's corny... but still funny all the same.

A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Amal." The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him "Juan". Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, "But they are twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."
Okay, not a bad joke at all, and it was in fact new to me. Score a point for you in the Gloving negotiations! I guess we can stay at the bargaining table for the present. It is nice to be steadily affirming each other and trying to make each other feel good; we wouldn't want to lose that and go back to a state of war where we were steadily affirming each other and trying to make each other feel good!

So what is the tally of the scores?
Amanda - 5
Papa Joe - 51


Indeed it is great that I can still complement you even though we are at an armistice.
I'm not sure where you get those statistics, but I Glove the statistician!

Sometime real soon I'm going to give you another Bible "assignment." You know the drill by now: if you read it I'll be overflowing with grandfatherly love for you, but if you _don't_ read it you'd better watch out, because then I'll be overflowing with grandfatherly love for you!

Still....I'm starting to get a little bit non-annoyed and non-irritated at the _other_ Dancing Lawn members. Don't any of you other folks want to play-fight me, or Bruiser, or Bruiser and me in combination, or any possible matchup against each other? Isn't anybody else here non-furious and non-indignant at someone for the offense of being Glovable?
Well I came up with five times that I know that were immensely good from myself and I figured that you were always one up than myself so I added a one onto the end of my five. It was ironic kinda because 51 is one of my favorite numbers. :o

Yesh another assignment. I am so ready. XD The nerd half of me is starting to come out again. lol.
Oh my gosh. wow. Now this is funny.
Have you heard of the movie, 'The Number 23'? If not the guy in that movie could find the number 23 in everything. His name, his favorite color, where ever he went there was something symbolic to the number 23 or 32 becuase it is 23 backwards.
Well after I watched that movie I tried to find 51 or 15 in some of my things since they were my favorite numbers. It was insane how I could find ways to get mt name to equal 15, my birthday, just everyday little things. Ever since I had started playing travel softball my number on my jersey has always been 15 or 51. Now my best friend, mentor, my Papa Joe was born in '51. :rolleyes: Wow.
(Hmmm, she calls me a mentor: possibly a sly negotiating maneuver, subtly prodding me into delivering on my offer of another Bible lesson. If I don't want these talks to dissolve into a chaos of renewed mutual flattery and tender love-duelling, I'd better comply. Amanda may be a softball player, but in high-stakes diplomacy she plays hardball!)

Something you will discover about the Old Testament is that some of its books overlap each other in the history being recounted. The two Books of Chronicles overlap a HUGE amount of the history in other Old Testament books. I want you to glance over chapters 4 through 8 of First Chronicles; no need to plow through in depth, but read enough to get the idea of what's going on there. You will see a reflection of what I've told you before, that God in those times placed a heavy importance on tribes and families as units in His project. Note something else: many names are given of individuals for whom no detailed biography is ever given. Why bother, then? As one preacher I heard has put it, this shows US that, even though our lives are far too short for us to be able to know every OTHER person in the world even in our own time period, God knows them all and is interested in them all.

Okay, there's the assignment. Once you have completed it, and not before, come back here and answer the following quiz questions based on it:

1) Which of the following prayers was prayed by Jabez in chapter 4?

-- That he would possess more land, and would be protected from evil.
-- That his horse would win the Kentucky Derby.

2) Which kinds of weapons does chapter 5 say the descendants of Reuben were skillful with?

-- Swords and bows.
-- Lasers and particle-beam weapons.

3) Chapter 6 mentions a descendant of Levi named Jehozadak, who, centuries after the time of the founding tribal patriarchs, was among those taken into captivity. Where was it that these Israelites were forced to resettle?

-- In Babylon.
-- On the Klingon home planet.

4) Early in chapter 7 there is a reference to a famous king. Who is it?

-- King David.
-- Peter Pevensie.

5) Saul, the Benjaminite who was King of Israel before David (oh darn, I may have just given away question 4!), is mentioned in chapter 8. Who was the most famous and heroic of Saul's sons?

-- Jonathan, who became David's faithful friend.
-- Bruce Banner, who became the Hulk.
comes in with her elephant shaped water canister :)

comes in with her elephant shaped water canister without copperfox knowing it :) waters the garden that's almost half dried up, sorry i haven't watered the garden too much :) noticed that the garden needs more organic garden spray, sprays it on, finds her angel wings and flys out of the room at angelic speed :)
Vortex the Gryphon finds the wings he had lent to Shortangel, muses to himself, "I hope things went all right for that special activity of hers that Copperfox was praying about before," then collects the cast-off wings (his own new pair being almost ready for use by now) and stores them in a corner of the greenhouse, in case Amanda may wish to try them on later.
[After much studying of First Chronicles chapters 4 - 8, Amanda comes in thinking that she is ready for Papa Joe's test. Upon reading the test questions Amanda quickly circles the first choice for every answer.]
I'm done. :]
It was pretty amazing how God was able to keep up with everybody. o.0 I wonder if he still does the same now with all of these billions of people.

hehehe Hardball. :-D
It's a good thing you aced the test, my dear child. If you had scored less than 100 percent, after the time you spent posting on a Twilight thread, I would have been forced to punish you with Glove and kind words and affection. As it is, I can reward your perfect score with Glove and kind words and affection.

As for God's omnipotence: of course He still keeps track of everyone, my sweet Amanda-Panda. This portion of a song I wrote years ago remarks on it:

Gaze out a window onto a street; say it's a faceless crowd passing by.
That's just because your view's incomplete; God's looking each one in the eye.
No one's anonymous to the Lord; each human soul is on center stage--
Even the ones we may have ignored, like those who reach extreme old age.
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o.0 You have always had a way with words, so I don't know why I was caught so off guard by the stanza of one of your songs. It was beautiful... I hate that your 'Christian Life in Lyrics' thread was lost.

Billions and billions of people. wow.

Haha... good thing that I can multi-task. I wouldn't want to have to get punished with Glove and kind words and affection. lol. :p
Well, then, in order to avoid the abominable effusion of Glove, kind words and affection, let us bring our peace negotiations to a successful conclusion, signing here and now The Grand Treaty of Bruiser and Copperfox Gloving, Upholding and Gladdening Each Other--which, as you may notice, can conveniently be shortened as the G.U.G. Treaty.

We hug each other warmly, then exchange a complicated secret handshake, to signify our new alliance which cannot ever ever ever be broken--except maybe if we find it more amusing sometime later to revert to Glove-battling, since we can still always be "reconciled" yet again from the new "quarrel." For now, cherished ally, let's give thought to how we may jointly commit acts of benevolent aggression against other TDL members. You may have noticed how I have used a bit of A-F technique on both Solya and QA48 in the Fine Arts thread; there are myriad possibilities for us to invade other threads this way, waging gentle attacks in the name of imperialistic niceness!