Alex Rider RPG

ooc: lol okie dokie
"right well now we know we can build a plan cant we." the three of them go on to talk about what is going to happen and how to fool the kidnappers.
ooc: i cant be botherd to come up with a plan. we can make it up as we go along lol :p
ooc: for now elts leave alex and mr blunt and play another chracter. well i am already ashley ( a secret spy you could be the pepople who he is working for)
well the school has just blown up and ashley took natasha phone but pretended that he thought she may need it but what she doenst know it that he put a bug on it so he could find out where she lived. he is now on his way home
"well next time be more carefull." she looks around at his place "nice place you have here. but you should have more security." she smiles menicingly.