Alex Rider RPG

ooc: i cant stand cami! or kemi or wahtever her name is!
ic: ashley waited for an answer and pciked up the tracking device screeing thing to see where natasha was living.
omg you watch it! i love it, its cami i thinks shes funny, my fave is tessa, did you see the series finale

natasha continued to watch laguna beach as alex broke up with rocky and natasha was surprised
occ: ooohps lol.. sorry :P

"i gave it back." "he's very nice you dad" *she nodes* "very polite lol. but very easy to bribe... " *nods and smiles*
ooc: hay i thught you only had five mins in the first place lol. :P gah! i dont know who to say...

*looks confused* "erm im not sure... ive only ever got nots telling me what to do... and that he will kill us if we dont... " *looks sad, likes she's going to cry.* "i dont want to die... "
ooc: whoops!
ic: the liqiud was now useless and the effect was gone. ashley stred at her blankly. she just looked like a little girl, afraid of dieing. in some ways he pitied her
ashely stood and looked balnkly back at her for a sec "umm no reason. shouldnt you be leaving?" he asked and quickly put the package into his pocket
ooc: how old is she again?
*looks confused* "erm no not yet. i need to know whats going on next becuse our next instrucsions should be in there" *points at dossier (sp)*

ooc: i dont know... what age is ashley?
ooc: umm dunno lol 15!
ic:"oh right." opens *thingy* and reads it out loud"you are to go and find out where natasha lives and use her to get to her father." he said
ooc: rightio... ill be about the same age then. 15 it is ^^

"right. well if you go and find out becuse you know her. then we can get our next instructsions" *she goes beck to looking hard faced and 'as matter of fact'ly. *
"okay. what will you be doing? do you even go to school?" he asked he didnt know anything about this girl apart from she was working with the CIA

ooc: i thought it would be cool if we were with them! so we are good
"yes of course i go to school." *rolls eyes* "erm i guess i will wait for your call or text once you are done and we can go to the pick up point." *wrights down number and hands him paper*

ooc: rightio cool. ^^