"what the... how did you know?" *looks cross* "what WAS that device?!" "it was a truth syrim (sp) wasent it!" *looks even more cross* "oooh. your so anyoing." *sighs* "ok i will. i only did it the first time becuse i knew it would anoy you."
ooc: looks cute!
ic:"well in that case" he took his bag off and collapsed onto the sofa"well you can stay here all day if you want. my dad wont be back until late, thats if he comes back at all" he said sadly. his father was always so busy with other things
ic: "fine then i will stay here." *sits on the sofa beside him* "i cant be botherd to go to school." *looks at him* "i hope you watch decent TV" *smiles at him.*
he took out a glass from the cupboard and took out a bottle of evian water from the firdge and pured it into the glass. then he took some ice from the ice despenser and put it in the glass also"cold enough for you?" he asked