American Idol RPG

Keira stood near everyone, looking around and wondering what the auditions would be like. She was nervous, but not too much so. She was mostly just bored.
Jake listened to his ipod as he stood in that line, he was nervous....there was a bunch! a hole bunch of people!....he tryed to encourage himself, partly excited and partly nervous.
Hilary held her breathe as the line finally began to move a little faster then before. She flincthed as she saw several people of various ages, female and even some males, run out of the audition room with bitter tears of rejection streaming down their faces, some cussing and screaming as they made their way out. She bit her lip until she could taste her own blood and had to stop.
'What on earth are they saying...or people in there...' She thought, following Ambers gaze, she finally had to look away to the ground. "Okay...maybe this isn't such a great idea after you came this far you can't turn back now..." She argued with herself aloud, unaware of the curious stares she had receved from those around her.
Good-o then:D:D

Name:George Williams


Where ya from?:UK

Description: a singing sensation, can hit high notes higher that Mariah Carey and a little bit sarcastic but funny lol. She's a rocker and a singer of etc etc etc etc

Pic/Looks:Oh anyone of them, I can be
