another harry potter rpg but its different

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ooc- woops my bad you can play any position you want cho to play

stella rolled her eyes at what draco said
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ooc: I guess she'll be seeker, if no one else is, because that's what she is in the books.

ic: "Not being very sensitive, is he?" Cho commented, referring to Draco.
ooc- right now its morning and theres a qudditch match against slythryn and ravenclaw and everyone is in the dining hall eating breakfast
just then a messenger owl dropped a package in front of stella "oh i wonder what inside" stella said opening the card that came with it it was a bewitched card this card talked

"heres a present from your mother and i hope you enjoy it my little quidditch champion" the card said

stella closed the card
Cho felt rather jealous of Stella, but smiled. "Congratulations, Stella! Wow, that's a beauty..."
"You're welcome. If you're going to use it for the match, you should probably try it out first, right? Just in case..."
"I'll be right back, I'll go get my broom!" said Cho, running off to where her old Nimbus 2001 was kept. She sighed, running her fingers over its worn handle, then quickly took it out to the field.
Bradley rubbed Stella's broom. "Nice. It's supposed to go really fast. You're a lucky girl." He got up from the table. "I'm going to go get ready. See you on the field." He walked away.
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