another harry potter rpg but its different

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Bradley saw Stella come in but avoided looking at her. He just danced with Gretchen.

Hermione saw Stella come in as well. She waved. "Hey Stella. You look great."
Gretchen had treas rolling down her cheek but she didn't let anyone see it.
" I'm go sit down for ahlie," she told him going over to their table.
Bradley watched her go and noticed his shirt was a little wet. He walked over to her and sat down. He said quietly, "Is everything alright?"

Hermione looked at Stella. "And boys say it takes us girls a long time to get ready." She laughed a little.
She pulled her black hair up and walk over to him.
" I know I'm a Slyerin but it dosen't mean everyone there is mean," she said grabbing some food.
"I know. You can be decent when you want to be." He nudged her playfully. "Is there a specific reason you brought this up?"
She look over at Stella.
" no not one," she said hooking her arm into his,
she didn't want to tell him she was jealous of Stella.
"come lets go back to the dance floor," she said walking over to the dance floor.
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