another harry potter rpg but its different

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Bradley looked at her. "I-I don't know. I just was, she's really sweet when you get to know her." He shrugged.

ooc:Sorry, but I have to go. Bye.:D
ooc: Hi. I'm here :rolleyes:

ic: Cho walked into the common room wearing a dark blue sweater over a white blouse and a cream colored skirt. "Hi Stella, do you have any idea where Harry might be?" she asked.
"hes probally in the great hall eating breakfast we should go" stella said getting up and walking out of the common room "harry and cho sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" stella said in a sing song voice jokingly as she pranced down the stairs of the ravenclaw tower
stella walked into the great hall with cho she walked pass the slytherin table to get to the ravenclaw table "hi draco" stella said
She slid over to him.
" I need to talk with you if you do mind you leaveing your little girlfriend?," she said with on of her eye brows up.
She laugh in a weird why.
" I think you need to know I'm on to you Mafoly," she said with her nose all winkled up,
she cross her arms.
" you just jealous I'm with Brad not you," she said with the same weird laugh.
She laugh.
" oh sure what ever," she said sliding closer to him,
she look up at Brad then back a Draco.
' OK fine I'm the one is Jealous of you being Stella," she said under her breath.
stella sat down next to cho at the ravenclaw table she looked at draco and it was obvious that gretchen was trying to flirt with him stella looked at cho and put her hand over her mouth and started laughing at the fact that gretchen was flirting with draco
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