another harry potter rpg but its different

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She kiss him on the cheek.
" all right," she said walking into her room,
she put on a some jeans and a black tee with the Slytherin symbol on it
Bradley walked to his room. He washed up and changed into jeans and a blue shirt. He slipped into his shoes.

ooc:We should probably wait for the others to get on before we go any further.:D
She stop.
" OK fine I'll tell you to make you happy," she said landing him to the room with the mirrors where,
she sighed looking at him with a frown.
" I been thinking about you a whole lot lately and well I don't like it," said sitting down on the bench.
She layed her head on his shoulder.
" Because I really don't know if you like me or you just trying to get Stella to notes you," she said with treas rolling down her cheek.
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