another harry potter rpg but its different

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She rolled her eyes.
" yea like asking you love birds want to go on a double date with us?<" she said flipping her hair out of her eyes.
"sure" stella said confidently "i ll be right back i need to get something" stella said she walked upstairs to the ravenclaw girls dorms and opened her trunk and pulled out a small fancy looking handbag she pulled out a perfume bottle that had essence of amortentia it wasint the love potion it was a magic perfume that smelled like the love potion anyone that smelled it they would smell their faveorite scent stella spritzed some on her face and put it in her hand bag and walked back downstairs to the hall next to draco
"whatever" stella said taking dracos hand and walking away from gretchen once draco and stella were out of ear shot "i cannot stand her" stella said angrily not relising that she was still holding dracos hand
"I don't remember," he said, because he had forgotten. He didn't really care much anyways.

ooc: wow, i like how we don't relaize they're holdiong hands! :p
ooc- lol maybe cause stella is so pissed off at gretchen that she dousint relise

"why dont we go to hogsmeade now" stella said smiling then relising that she was holding dracos hand and let go
stella handed flitch her permission paper and walked out of the castle where the weather was chilly but sunny the wind was blowing causing stellas hair to move with the wind
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