Any Fans of the Animated One?


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Is anybody else here a fan of the Animated LWW? I absolutely love it! It's so cute! I grew up watching it and it was what got me hooked on Narnia. I love Edmund in that movie too... so cute. And Peter's voice. haha
I absolutely love the animated one, i have all my life. That movie was the thing that got me into Narnia when was a wee lass :) I love that little special movie so much, i like it better then the BBC,
As a matter of fact, I did like the animated version. It had a good spirit about it; also a pretty good music score. As with "Doctor Who," the trick is not to impose unfair expectations of major-movie production quality on it.
Yes I absolutely LOVE it. And just so you know, it has the best resurrection scene of ANY of the LWW versions.

Look at:

Do it while listening to the sound file downloadable at the top of the page.

You will truly have to SEE it to appreciate it but this give you some idea of the majesty and tenderness of this version, something the WaldenMedia film sorely lacked.

I really like the way they portrayed Aslan in this movie too, how he was very powerful but still loving and gentle. His death in this movie was much more emotional for me than the one in the 2005 film. I also liked how close it was to the book.
I've heard great things about this version and haven't seen it yet. Shocker, but there it is. Any ideas as to where I could find it?
I saw it in the early 80's. I believe in 1981 it was. I loved it and always felt so happy when Aslan was back to life again. It has been at least 25 years ago since I last saw it. I also remember I saw this one and another animated movie about Hugo the hippo and I just can't remember what it was about.
The animated version was shown at Christmas here in the UK. It was good to see it again although they did seem to cut a few scenes.

Despite the rather crude animation this really captures the spirit of the book. Unlike the 2005 film, Aslan dominates the story right from his first appearance. His voice is especially effective; commanding and almost overpowering but also reassuring.
I remember it was shown on TV in our country three times around 1984.

It was shown again for some few years, and I recorded it, but the tape broke, and I'm happy there's the DVD.
The animated version was shown at Christmas here in the UK. It was good to see it again although they did seem to cut a few scenes.

Despite the rather crude animation this really captures the spirit of the book. Unlike the 2005 film, Aslan dominates the story right from his first appearance. His voice is especially effective; commanding and almost overpowering but also reassuring.

That's what I thought. I really liked the way they did Aslan in this one, and was quite disappointed with the way they did him in the 2005 film.
I enjoyed the animated version when it first came out. Still do. It sticks very close to the book, but when faced with all the great special effects and great performances by the actors of the Walden film, it is hard to compare the two. In reality it is like comparing apples to oranges. If you like flat animated films, then you will like LWW done in the animated version. You may like them both. I know I do.
I grew up with the animated version. :) I love it. When I was little I didn't even relize how un-realistic it was...but I still like it now. (Except they skipped Father Christmas. But you can't have everything. :p)
If they skipped Father Christmas how did they get their gifts?

They were given them by Aslan. I suppose it is a shame they decided to alter the story like that, but to be honest I always found the presence of Father Christmas in LWW slightly jarring. It was a touch of rather crude allegory and LWW is my least favourite of the seven books for that reason