Any Fans of the Animated One?

The animated version of LWW is excellent. I still have my beta-format tape of it, recorded off-the-air, from 1981. (I have a newer copy on VHS because I can't seem to keep any of my Beta machines running :-( )

It story is more or less true to the book, except for the part about Father Christmas. However, Father Christmas is mentioned as providing gifts to a bunch of celebrating talking beasts. Aslan presents the children with their gifts. Why they made this change, I do not know.

And I agree with everyone that the ressurection scene has not been topped by any other production. When they did the extended version of the feature film, I really hoped they would add more to this scene. I was quite disappointed when they didn't.

The most amazing thing of all though, is that the animated version was produced by Children's Television Workshop (the folks who do Sesame Street, Between the Lions and others). It is also endorsed by the National Education Association,one of the most antichristian groups I know of.
I've been trying to find the mysterious version with British voices, as so many people seem to have seen that one first. I have finally found it – right here on NF. :D It's for sale on, and there's a link on this page.

Anyone who hasn't seen it should (I think), if only for the music...and Lucy.
I've always wanted to see the animated version... so following Derny's advice I have just purchased it!!!! I shall let you know when it has arrived and been watched!
I watched it today for the 1st time. It made me laugh. Particlly Mr Tumlus and the evil cretures are comical. It just seemed wrong , and out of spirt to the rest of the story. I mean, there are funny bit, but it sound be when Aslan is about to die.I perfer the real one to the amanted. It just makes the story more real.
Well, I saw it and was quite impressed. It did some things better than the other adaptations, though there were some things done worse. Lucy's voice annoyed me a bit too!!

But overall a good adaptation. Having not seen it when I was little I'll probably never like it as much as those who have, but nevertheless I would watch it again.
Interesting. I wonder how much difference there is between the British and American versions; because, come to think of it, I can see how Lucy's voice (in the American version) might get annoying. (But she had blond hair like she was supposed to. That atones for much. :p)

What did you think of the White Which?
Interesting. I wonder how much difference there is between the British and American versions; because, come to think of it, I can see how Lucy's voice (in the American version) might get annoying. (But she had blond hair like she was supposed to. That atones for much. :p)

What did you think of the White Which?

Is there a difference. In my version the main characters have British (or attempted British) accents but som of the minor characters speak with American accents.

The witch was really good, probably the best witch of the lot!! Aslan was pretty cool in it too.
Oh, good. :D That's what I thought - but then, I'm biased.

I really don't know - some people say that there's a difference, a couple say the difference is very small, and I can't figure it out. *puzzled*
I finally saw the animated version of LWW. Wow. Tumnus was rather interesting...looking like a fawn tripping on an energy drink at the very least...but there it is. That and I couldn't figure out why he was red with gren hair. Ah well, there it is.

Overall it was good.
I watched an American one and I felt in love with it. I still want to not only hear the difference. I'm Polish and I just found it on Youtube. I think nobody of you uploaded any comparisons in video? :confused: I had to get used to it. Intro has a dramatical message about the Pevensies' past but they made it in 1979 (April Fools!) and it's the year when the events take place, as the place is America because all who maked it were/are Americans.