Are you Dateless??

Well I have a date kinda but I would like some one my on age and that DONT have a girl friend like Thomas.....Or i may just go but my self or with somebody invisable
I'm dateless. And glad to be, cuz I'm not going and thats that. Can't we have a date-forbidden party? Like the costume party my Church had? When my Dad dressed like a hippie, which was hilarious. He wore this funny-looking-old-to-small-indian-girls-black-wig. Made everybody laugh.

i'm also dateless, and i'm a girl! so i won't be self centered and say ''Please ask me'' so i won't... oops i already said it. darnit... :rolleyes:
hmm...well I am dateless STILL and yeah i dont got a group of freinds to go wif. unless, Amy, ur not going with a date!! ur my friend right!! :D
yeah same...if some1 ask's me (which i know almost 4 a fact that no1 will) ill go with some fictional charatcers from lotr :D eowyn, arwen, faramir, ect