Arwens role in LOTR


New member
Personal opinion of Arwen was that her role in the movies was pretty big. I like Liv Tyler but i wish they had left in Elronds son. I have to say one of the best moments in the return of the king was when Aragorn saw Arwen.
I hate Arwen so much in the movies. She was supposed to hang around Rivendell and sew the King's banner. Besides Glorindel was so cool, and alas he was cut from the movie to make room for Arwen. Not that Liv Tyler is a terrible actress, but to make room for her some stuff that should have stayed had to be changed.

Elronds son
Elrond had two sons.
yep, i love her too,
what i like was when she saw the image of her son, and then she return to her father and asked what did he see?,
she is beautiful,realy pretty. :)
Kitanna said:
I hate Arwen so much in the movies. She was supposed to hang around Rivendell and sew the King's banner. Besides Glorindel was so cool, and alas he was cut from the movie to make room for Arwen. Not that Liv Tyler is a terrible actress, but to make room for her some stuff that should have stayed had to be changed.

Elrond had two sons.
Im glad im not the only one who hated the huge role she got. Obviously she wouldn't do the movie unless she had a bigger role.

sorry, i knew he had two i just was refering to the fact that Arwen did the things that one of his sons did in the book.
Well, if I was the daughter of the lead singer to Aerosmith I'd want a pretty big part too. Still, that gets on my nerves.

About the Elrond and his two sons thing, I figured you knew, but it would bother me if I didn't point it out just to make sure. ;)
Kitanna said:
I hate Arwen so much in the movies. She was supposed to hang around Rivendell and sew the King's banner. Besides Glorindel was so cool, and alas he was cut from the movie to make room for Arwen. Not that Liv Tyler is a terrible actress, but to make room for her some stuff that should have stayed had to be changed.

Elrond had two sons.

Glorfindel: Your boyfriend's out there in the woods with the Halflings. 1 of them is dying. Aren't u going to save him?

Arwen: *Suprised, :eek: stop sewing. "They're in the woods? Owh i must seek them at once!" (taking Glorfindel's horse & sword & ride faster than any horses in Seabisuit)


Elrond sons: Elladan & Elrohir. They're supposed to appear in LOTR: ROTK if i'm not mistaken.
arwen was like totally awsome in the book... but in the movie she had a completly different nature and all.. (besides not being any where near as beutiful as she should have been...but that would hvae been impossible )... was it liv tyler that insisted on the larger roles? or did pj decide just to give her them? they actually had planned to have her at helms deep... but thank goodness they changed thier mind.. i mnea, what is she supossed to be? NOT a sword wielding crazy princess..
tolkien did such a good job on the few female charachters that he made... why did they have to muss it?
I love Arwen and Liv Tyler! She's sooo pretty and a bloody good actress!

Elronds sons appeared in FOTR, they're sitting beside Elrond in the council scene. I'm sure it's them!!! And they fixed Isildurs sword in ROTK. :p

I love the charecter of Arwen, in the books and the movies, but I think they changed her too much. She wasn't in the book alot except for the appendices, but I loved a lot of the stuff with Aragorn relating to her, if that makes sense. I think they did kind of focus on her too much.
I hated how they gave Arwen a big part in the movies! She is only mentioned in the books a few times! GOSH!!! It bugs me so much! I wish Glorfindel came instead of Arwen, when she safes Frodo, like it supposed to be! And Frodo can take care of the Naguls like in the book! It's is just soooooo annoying! :mad:
i dont really object to liv being cast as arwen, altho my portrayal of her was totally different, and thats why i think they could have gotten someone better, but i dont like how much they change her... try comparing the movie arwen to the book arwen. they arent anything alike at all really..
Eressea said:
i dont really object to liv being cast as arwen, altho my portrayal of her was totally different, and thats why i think they could have gotten someone better, but i dont like how much they change her... try comparing the movie arwen to the book arwen. they arent anything alike at all really..

I know and that bugs me so much!!!
Personally, I applaud what they tried to do with Arwen in the film, and strongly support the reasoning behind it; namely, Tolkien's work was a product of his times insofar as its rather sexist. The film attempted to redress this balance slightly, subsuming Glorfindel's role into Arwen's, along with plumping out her screentime. Eowyn is the only female character in the entire book who is elevated at all beyond stereotypical 'female' roles; at least Tolkien made that one concession to 50% of the world's population. ;)

However, I wasn't hugely impressed with Liv Tyler's performance in the film, though I wouldn't say she was particularly bad either; competent would probably be the word I'd choose. The recent Narnia film did a better job of removing the sexist attitudes of the fifties, but thats another thread.
slideyfoot said:
Personally, I applaud what they tried to do with Arwen in the film, and strongly support the reasoning behind it; namely, Tolkien's work was a product of his times insofar as its rather sexist. The film attempted to redress this balance slightly, subsuming Glorfindel's role into Arwen's, along with plumping out her screentime. Eowyn is the only female character in the entire book who is elevated at all beyond stereotypical 'female' roles; at least Tolkien made that one concession to 50% of the world's population. ;)

However, I wasn't hugely impressed with Liv Tyler's performance in the film, though I wouldn't say she was particularly bad either; competent would probably be the word I'd choose. The recent Narnia film did a better job of removing the sexist attitudes of the fifties, but thats another thread.

very true, but I loved Glorfindel in the books, so i wish they didn't cut him out, I mean I understand why, but that's just my opion!!!
slideyfoot said:
Tolkien's work was a product of his times insofar as its rather sexist.
I differ strongly. Tolkien's work was a timeless masterpiece. It is our times that have the problem with silly passing fads like obsession with "sexism". Jackson simply displayed more of his misunderstanding of the literary work by bending the masterpiece to the times, instead of presenting the masterpiece as it was and letting the times like it or leave it.
Pushing buttons

Heh - no work is flawless, and Tolkien's books are certainly flawed. Largely, as I mentioned, this is due to the time in which he wrote them; his opinions are typical of the fifties. The oppression of women, unfortunately, is not merely a 'passing fad'. I only wish it were. I assume what you're referring to is political correctness, which is a rather different issue.

Also, Jackson's version is indeed an adaptation, and as such is necessarily 'adapted' to the times - unless you preferred the sexist attitudes of Tolkien's day and would support them? To find an untouched version of anything, people will obviously look to the original; adaptations, by their very nature, are not supposed to be regurgitated source material.

You're going to set me off now, despite (judging by your birth date) having been around during the original Women's Lib ;) . So, to go a little off-topic:

[rant]Its depressing that the efforts of the Women's Lib and various other groups who fought for women's rights often fall on deaf ears these days. 'Feminists' are not some group of jack-booted killjoys confiscating people's lipstick; they are people who believe in women's equality with men on a legal, political and social level. I'm still waiting for the first female US president, the first female chancellor of the exchequer, not to mention equal pay (women are still paid considerably less than men on average), an end to female genital mutilation, an end to deaths as a result of domestic abuse...the list goes on.

Feminism still has a long way to go, and a lot of work to do. Just three reasons why:

[url=]Equal Opportunities Commission said:
The 2005 Annual earnings survey, issued by the Office of National Statistics, shows that the full-time gender pay gap is 17.2% - a reduction of just 12.2% since the Equal Pay Act came into force 30 years ago. The pay gap between women working part-time and men working full-time is 38.5% and has barely changed in 30 years.

The pay gap is also contributing to the shortfall in women's retirement income, which is just 57% of men's.

"I was genitally mutilated at the age of ten. I was told by my late grandmother that they were taking me down to the river to perform a certain ceremony, and afterwards I would be given a lot of food to eat. As an innocent child, I was led like a sheep to be slaughtered.

Once I entered the secret bush, I was taken to a very dark room and undressed. I was blindfolded and stripped naked. I was then carried by two strong women to the site for the operation. I was forced to lie flat on my back by four strong women, two holding tight to each leg. Another woman sat on my chest to prevent my upper body from moving. A piece of cloth was forced in my mouth to stop me screaming. I was then shaved.

When the operation began, I put up a big fight. The pain was terrible and unbearable. During this fight, I was badly cut and lost blood. All those who took part in the operation were half-drunk with alcohol. Others were dancing and singing, and worst of all, had stripped naked.

I was genitally mutilated with a blunt penknife.

After the operation, no one was allowed to aid me to walk. The stuff they put on my wound stank and was painful. These were terrible times for me. Each time I wanted to urinate, I was forced to stand upright. The urine would spread over the wound and would cause fresh pain all over again. Sometimes I had to force myself not to urinate for fear of the terrible pain. I was not given any anaesthetic in the operation to reduce my pain, nor any antibiotics to fight against infection. Afterwards, I haemorrhaged and became anaemic. This was attributed to witchcraft. I suffered for a long time from acute vaginal infections."

[url=]Women's Aid - Domestic Violence statistics[/url] said:
An analysis of 10 separate domestic violence prevalence studies by the Council of Europe showed consistent findings: 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence over their lifetimes and between 6-10% of women suffer domestic violence in a given year (Council of Europe, 2002).

- The 2001/02 British Crime Survey (BCS) found that there were an estimated 635, 000 incidents of domestic violence in England and Wales. 81% of the victims were women and 19% were men. Domestic violence incidents also made up nearly 22% of all violent incidents reported by participants in the BCS. (Home Office, July 2002).

- Repeat victimisation is common. The results of the British Crime Survey found that more than half (57%) of victims of domestic violence are involved in more than one incident . No other type of crime has a rate of repeat victimisation as high (Home Office, July 2002).

Hey, that's nothing. Check out this report: Over 200 million women are missing from today's world, thanks to widespread and liberal abortion laws which lead to sex-selective abortions - and not just in third world countries, either.

200 million - 15 times the number as died in the Nazi holucaust. Now that's oppression!
PrinceOfTheWest said:
Hey, that's nothing. Check out this report: Over 200 million women are missing from today's world, thanks to widespread and liberal abortion laws which lead to sex-selective abortions - and not just in third world countries, either.

200 million - 15 times the number as died in the Nazi holucaust. Now that's oppression!

Wow, that's very interesting!