Arwens role in LOTR

yea, i guess... i just cant think of how it would be to have seen any of them afore reading the books at least a billion times first?
Eressea said:
yea, i guess... i just cant think of how it would be to have seen any of them afore reading the books at least a billion times first?
I know what you mean! That's like the book "Inkheart" is coming out in a movie and I already read the book and if they mess it up i will seriouly hurt somebody! It's like my favorite book! Well not just "Inkheart" but also "Inkspell" it's sequal!
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
if they mess it up i will seriouly hurt somebody! It's like my favorite book! Well not just "Inkheart" but also "Inkspell" it's sequal!
I think what we need to remember (myself included) is that such things are adaptations of the books. The director's one vision of the book.
I know it just relaly bugs me! And Inkheart is such a good book if would be a shame to change it! :(
I liked her role in LotR, even though she did steal Glorfindel's horse! :p I understand that Peter Jackson wanted to maximize the female parts because LotR is a male-dominated series. Liv was a very good Arwen. :)
I hated her role in the books; I hardly even remembering Tolkien mentioning her. Frankly, they widened Eowyn and Arwen's roles more than in the books. Well-deserved, I'd say. Arwen is my second favorite character, next to Legolas. Thankfully, they made Legolas more casual instead of so formal like in the books.
In the movies, her role is way more extensive than in the books. At first I hated but now it doesn't bother me as much. I still hate that Glorifindle's role was annexed over to her charictor. In the books I thought he was so cool.
I think he's in ROTK; after Arwen reveals herself to Aragorn at his coronation. He's the blonde-haired elf standing sort of behind Elrond (I think)
polly&digory said:
Personal opinion of Arwen was that her role in the movies was pretty big. I like Liv Tyler but i wish they had left in Elronds son. I have to say one of the best moments in the return of the king was when Aragorn saw Arwen.

Arwen is ok. I like Eowyn.
It did no harm to let Arwen have a heroic bit in FOTR helping Frodo in a story so much of which is all male. But I wish the Elf-Lord Glorfindel had been retained in the movie somehow. Did you know that Glorfindel was the one who foresaw that the Witch-King would not be killed by a man?

Speaking of the Top Nazgul: the film script of ROTK should have stated openly that Sauron was giving increased power to the Witch-King, which would explain why Gandalf couldn't stop him. Without that explanation, it looks as if Gandalf is actually LESS powerful than Aragorn, since back in FOTR Aragorn had singlehandedly kicked the butts of five Nazgul INCLUDING the Witch-King.

Joseph Ravitts, author of "Southward the Tigers"