Aslan: I may love to be hugged but I am not tame! I do let my bestest friend in the whole world hug me at night! [actually I let her hug me whenever!] I AM cute cuddely though!
Ummm.....did you kill the White Witch or eat her? (heh, in the movie I really thought you only umm..killed her cuase of something my mom said but I want to find out for
Aslan: anyone gonna ask Me a question? if it is about the future I will not answer. I'm not a fortune teller. I know the future but I will not tell you. I like to keep things surprises. can you please ask Me a question?
Aslan: sigh! well uh.... when I first made it it wasn't cold. it was cool. but then when evil entered the world it turned cold and it would melt if it was warm out.