Aslan vs. King Kong


New member
Hello Everybody.

I have mentioned this in other threads, but thought it important enough to create a new one.

I want to make a very important comment. We should all see Narnia as many times as we possibly can, especially those of us who want the other movies to be made. Personally I want all 7 to be made. Those of you who want to see your favorite Narnia book on the big screen need to support this movie!

I think it is VERY important for us to go see Narnia again in week two. King Kong Comes out that week and I'm afraid it will take much of the money away form Narnia. But if all of us go see it a second (or third, fourth....) time the second week it could help Narnia make the money it needs to for Disney to give the ok to make the other movies.

Finally. How cool would a fight between Alsan and King Kong be? Aslan would rock his world! :D
I doubt King Kong is going to be a major hit. It has been remade so many times, that I can't see it attracting that much interest this time around. I have no interest in seeing it. If Narina is anywhere as good as I think it will be, it will be going strong its second week due to advertising by word of mouth.
If there were a King Kong, Aslan--the King of Kings--would tame him with a look. Such is the relationship between Creator and creature. Remember, Beauty tames the Beast...
Yes, i am not really worried about that Monkey movie getting higher on the ranks than Narnia. Not in a million years lol, but i will be seeing LWW many times over.
well unfortanatly I probably wont get to see CoN:LWW till week two but thats alright Ill be helping in the fight against KK who wants to see a big over grown ape anyways(everyone I know :D )
King Kong seems impresive but I am pretty sure more people will go to see The Chronicles of Narnia because of the simple fact that little kids want to see The Chronicles of Narnia and not King Kong because they find King Kong scary (I think). I will eventually see King Kong but The Chronicles of Narnia I will see it on December 9. 2005 (Wich is next week).
yeah, all my friends and i perfer LWW way more than KK! who wants to see a mivie about a giant mokey with anger issues when you can see...

NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Woah, King Kong definitly doesn't stand a chance.
I mean, I love Peter Jackson and everything, but CoN will attract to much more of a diverse audience, it isn't even funny.
People have been awaiting this scale of a Narnia movie for a long time, and that will be enough fuel to launch it big.
I think a lot of folks here are sounding pretty insulated from the outside world. Sure, here on a Narnia forum, most people are more excited about the long awaited Narnia movie than for King Kong. Let me tell you though: While Narnia will win week one, King Kong will demolish everything in its path once it opens.

Peter Jackson made quite a name for himself when he adapted the Lord of the Rings to the big screen. He has been working his whole life to make King Kong. It has been highly publicized for two years now, ever since Jackson took home the Best Director Oscar. It has been getting nearly unanimous good reviews. Both teaser trailers have been met with astounding enthusiasm wherever they have been seen. While Narnia will make its share of cash, Kong will challenge Star Wars for the honor of being highest grossing movie of the year.

You know what though? I'm going to see them both. :)
Of course, time alone will tell. However, I've been seeing a lot more about Lion all over than I have about Kong. They'll both gross big, I'm sure - but don't forget Godzilla. The bottom line is that the better story will always win out. Lion is the far better story.
They made a version of Godzilla about seven years ago. It starred Matthew Broderick and had loads of build-up (toys at the fast-food joints, billboards, etc.) It bombed horribly, despite the special effects. Also, King Kong had a remake in the late '70s that bombed as well. I'm not saying this one will - Jackson has proved a dab hand at special effects - but I don't think it's going to blow the doors off everything like some people think it will. Even well produced, the story line is just too thin.
I would have to agree that there is only so much that special effects can do. That's why LoTR and Star Wars did so well. They both had great special effects AND A GREAT STORY LINE. I believe that most people will enjoy Narnia more than Kong simply because of the story line + special effects + the wide variety of movie goers that it will attract (ie. fantasy lovers and christians).
Let us pretend Kong does really, really well as does Narnia. Guess which of the two movies may find its way back in the movie theaters/or TV around Christmas time, year after year as a new Christmas tradition?
You know, this is about as objective as a Star Wars vs Star Trek poll on a Star Wars webforums. Of course most everyone here will prefer Narnia to Kong, I'm just saying that in the world at large, I think Kong has the edge.